MijnHostingPartner.nlReviews MijnHostingPartner.nlReviews MijnHostingPartner.nl8.8 10

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MijnPartnerGroep.nl is affiliated with "Stichting Webshop Keurmerk" and Kiyoh. These affiliated stores are obliged to comply with European and Dutch laws and regulations and the Keurmerk code. The affiliated stores of Stichting Webshop Keurmerk have no say or control. Stichting Webshop Keurmerk is the independent quality mark of chain stores that aim to promote the interests of consumers.

Because MijnHostingPartner.nl is affiliated with "Stichting Webshop Keurmerk" and Kiyoh you know for sure that:

  • You can pay safely
  • You know for sure at which company you store / order online
  • Your privacy is guaranteed
  • There is an independent dispute resolution
  • The Keurmerk code must be complied with by us.
  • You have a cooling off period of 14 days instead of the statutory 7 days

At MijnHostingPartner.nl you can simply host your hosting safely and reliably!

For more information about these labels we refer you to the relevant websites:

Kiyoh Beoordelingen
Webshop keurmerk