Hosting Packages
Reseller hosting allows you to create and sell your own hosting packages. These so-called Hosting Spaces can be set up according to your own 'taste'. Think of the number of available databases or the number of mail accounts and their limits. You can also create addons to the individual hosting spaces. Think of SSL certificates or MS SQL databases.
You can set specifications per Hosting Space, such as slider space, number of email addresses, MySQL databases etc. This gives you the opportunity to put together a separate package for each client. For less intensive portfolio websites you can create a basic package of 100 MB for example. For web shops or extensive information websites with many images another package can be created with more disk space and larger databases.
In this way you can create general packages that can be quickly set up per account. And the hosting plan will always remain in your arsenal so you don't have to configure it again and again per account.