MijnHostingPartner.nlReviews MijnHostingPartner.nlReviews MijnHostingPartner.nl8.8 10

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Company logo

With a reseller package you may wonder how this will look like in the control panel of MijnHostingPartner.nl. With a private access to the control panel a client can have access to a separate environment for their website or services that they purchase from you.

To keep this separate and further from your own business it is possible to attach your branding to this.This can be done with your own logo in the top left of the control panel. Every client will see their own logo from your reseller account. This company logo can be submitted to us via a ticket, after which we will add it to the control panel.

So your customers have no further interaction with MijnHostingPartner.nl and the services are all yours.This gives a familiar feeling and a professional look.

Reseller bedrijfslogo