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Weekly reporting

Weekly reporting

Weekly reporting

When you purchase Managed WordPress hosting from MijnHostingPartner.nl you know exactly where you stand with your WordPress website. We will send you a weekly report with all the information you need about your website. See at a glance the performance of your website and what you can do better to attract more visitors. A weekly or monthly report will appear in your mail to read at your leisure. This ensures that you don't have to search in many different places for the information you want to know about your Managed WordPress hosting. What a convenience!

The report includes the following:

  • WordPress core updates

    What we mainly do at Managed WordPress hosting is to make sure your WordPress website is always updated. A big part and important part is the Core update of WordPress. In these core updates security measures and the latest functionality are added. You can immediately see which updates they have been and exactly when they were installed by us.

  • Plugin UpdatesAfter

    the WordPress Core updates, this is also a very important part. Plugins are one of the reasons why WordPress is so popular. You can't think of anything without a plugin. But how do you know if that plugin is reliable and updated? Don't worry, we will take care of that for you in these updates.

  • Theme updatesThe

    appearance of your WordPress website is of course very important, it makes or breaks your visitors. The latest versions of your theme not only provide all the latest features but also the security of your website.

  • BackupsHere

    you can see an overview of all backups made and how often they are made. Useful to know what happens in the background with us.

  • Optimization and statisticsAlso

    in the report you can see the optimization actions performed and what benefits they bring. And of course what everyone is curious about is how many visitors you have had and at what day and/or time the most. You can immediately compare that with your last blog post or action to see what works and what doesn't!