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Malware Scanning

Security and Malware Scanning

If you want to start a website with WordPress then you have a number of things that you need to list and check regularly. These include the security of your WordPress website and updating plugins and themes. This is a process that never ends with a WordPress website. But what if you don't have the time or inclination to do this?

Then of course you choose Managed WordPress hosting at MijnHostingPartner.nl! We take care of all security issues for your website. We stop SPAM in the comments and clean it up. And we make sure there is a Malware scan running at all times to detect problems immediately.

A secure site is not only important for you but also for your customers and the browsers. If a WordPress website is hacked, it will be reported to Google and your WordPress website will be flagged. If you don't catch this in time your WordPress website could be down for days! Unacceptable if this is the source of your income of course. And embarrassing for the trust your visitors have in your WordPress website.

That is why people are increasingly looking for a solution where they can leave this in your hands. MijnHostingPartner.nl gladly takes over the baton!

The measures MijnHostingPartner.nl takes for WordPress are realtime and keep track of every wrong login attempt and stops simple passwords you want to use! This way we protect you from abuse on all levels.

So every wrong login, every attempt to invade your carefully crafted WordPress website through outdated plugins or a leak is stopped and logged for you to see. This also keeps the Firewall always learning and taking a proactive stance against threats.