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Daily backups

Daily backups

Backup of your Managed WordPress hosting

Besides all the precautions we take to keep your WordPress website safe through automatic plugin updates and version updates, we always have the last resort. All of our Managed WordPress hosting packages come with a daily backup as standard. Every night a backup is made of your WordPress website and you can get up the next day with peace of mind to continue with your WordPress hosting.

But how do we make the daily backups of your WordPress site? That's a good question. MijnHostingPartner.nl makes incremental backups. This means that we make a complete backup of the WordPress website once and then switch to incremental backups. Every change or letter you make will be saved at the same time. This way you can be sure that your most popular post or page will be saved with every change and can always be restored by us.

So whether you make a mistake or simply want to go back to a previous point in time within your Managed WordPress hosting, it's all possible at MijnHostingPartner.nl.

If you have a question about the Managed WordPress hosting or our other services you can always start an online chat 7 days a week with one of our staff members. We are all extremely knowledgeable and can always provide you with an answer quickly. We also have a ticket system where you can ask your questions 24 hours a day. Very convenient if you still have questions!