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Choose a domain

Choose a domain

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Register business domain name

Register business domain name

Do you own a business and want to register your company name on the Internet? Then it is important that you do this quickly. It is important that you are the owner of the domain www.jouwbedrijfsnaam.nl. The reason for this is that you have complete control over your reputation on the Internet. If you are not the holder of your company name domain there are 2 things that can go wrong:

  • Someone else becomes the holder and demands a large amount of money from you when you want to buy the domain name.
  • Your competitor (or other evil-doer) buys the exact domain name for your business and spreads negative information on it or redirects all visitors to his own website.

Whatever is going on - you will lose money and/or customers in both cases. It is therefore very important to check as soon as possible whether your domain name is still available. But how do you do that?

How do you register your company name?

You can do a simple check on MijnHostingPartner.nl to see if your exact company name is still available. Go to the homepage and enter your domain name in the box that says "Check your domain name here". You will immediately get a complete overview of whether the domain is still available. You will also see in which other extensions the domain name is available.

If your chosen domain is still available you can let us register it for you. This can be done through the ' domain nameonly package' or through a 'web hosting + domain name package'. Again, you can find more information on the homepage.

Don't forget the important variations!

After you have registered your company name in the form of a beautiful domain name, we recommend that you also register important variations. What does this mean? We'll explain it briefly with the example of Amazon.com. For example, if you type "amzon.com" into your browser, you will find that you simply land on Amazon's site. Amazon has done this very cleverly because this way, even the people who accidentally make spelling mistakes are taken to the right site.

This also ensures that there will be no hackers who try to take advantage of people who want to visit your site. The people who accidentally mistype your website name are simply directed to your main website (just like Amazon).

You can also register the domain with different extensions. For example, take the .com version when you register a .nl domain. It is a small effort and can offer many advantages in the future - for example if your company goes international.

If you have any questions or remarks about registering your company name. Please let us know and we will be happy to help you with anything you need regarding domain names and hosting!