Frequent login within the webmail

27-03-2024 11:14
Update 11-4-2024.

We received another update from SmarterMail last night for this problem, which was reinstalled this morning at 07:46. We would like to hear again if this brings improvement to the problem. In some test accounts we already see improvement. If you are still experiencing problems please submit a ticket to the helpdesk indicating the mail account and browser used. Then we will take a closer look at the situation. Thank you for your understanding.

We have received the following statement from SmarterMail:

"In the previous custom build, development changed the way authentication tokens were cached. However, there was one area where those auth tokens were not cached correctly, which unfortunately resulted in more frequent logouts. They fixed this issue in the custom build below."

Update 10-4-2024

We have been told by multiple customers that the issues have not yet been fixed. We have forwarded additional information to SmarterMail and are now depending on an update to their can again. Once that is in, this will be reinstalled. Apologies for the inconvenience.

In this, for many an interim solution is to install the mail address in a local program, here the problems are not present. As an example Thunderbird can be used, this is otherwise completely open source.

Update 10-4-2024

This morning at 07:30 another update was installed which should further improve this issue. We would like to hear via the ticket system if this problem is still present.

Update 4-4-2024

We have been told by several customers that the problem has not yet been fixed, and as a result we have opened another report with SmarterMail. In this we are waiting for a second update for this problem, which we will install as soon as possible after receiving this. When more is known, another update will follow on this announcement.

Update 30-3-2024

We have installed an update to SmarterMail for this at 09:30 today, please let us know if this problem is still occurring via the ticket system, please also indicate again which browser and operating system is being used.

Update 29-3-2024

We have received an update for this from SmarterMail and will install it on the server tomorrow (Saturday 29-3). The mail server will have to be restarted 1 or several times for this, which may cause a short interruption. No mail will be lost. But it will only be offered later.


Dear Customer,

There is currently an issue where certain customers regularly have to log in again to our webmail. An annoying issue for which we currently have no solution yet. This has been reported to Smartermail. A solution is currently being sought.
The problem has been reported to us by a handful of customers, and is therefore not present for the majority of our customers.
If you see this problem yourself, please take a screenshot and report it to us in a ticket, including the browser and operating system used. Then we will add it to the report.

Thanks in advance

Kind regards,

The team of