SMTP authentication while mail is not hosted with us

It may happen that you host the mail externally and therefore do not use our mail, still we require SMTP authentication at the website and you will notice that you see error messages back from this. Or simply messages are not sent from the website. We do this to prevent abuse of our IP addresses, and no exceptions are made for this.

To be able to send mail from the website while you have mail running at another party you will need to do the following.

  1. Create a subdomain under your website, for example
  2. Create an email address on this subdomain, for example
  3. Use this email address purely for SMTP authentication. Either in the code or configuration files, the other sender and receiver can be set to other mail addresses.

The SMTP authentication is different for each website and technique, how this works exactly can be seen in the current category. And you can for example for WordPress follow this article.

After this you can send from and within the website.