My website is not fully secured (Check Mixed Content)
*note* We do not recommend using plug-ins for this.If you are using an SSL certificate on your hosting you might see a message that your website is not fully secured. You will then see an exclamation mark in the search bar instead of a padlock with the message that the site is not fully secured.
This will be because certain links to images for example are still over http instead of https.
How to solve this can vary from CMS to CMS. For this article we will show you how to solve this problem in WordPress.

If this happens on your website then you need to press f12 in your web browser and then a separate screen will open.
Then click on Console, you will see the following message.

1) To solve this you need to change the links in your database. To do this you first need to log into your database.

2 ) After you have logged into your database go to the table wp_posts

3) Find the link that is still pointing to http and click on change.

4 ) Find the part with http, you can easily find it by pressing CTRL + F. Change this to https

5 ) Then click on start at the bottom,

6 ) After this you will see that your website is fully secured.

It is also possible that you have to change all your database links. This can take a long time and you can best use the following SQL queries. The red text is then replaced by your own domain name
UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, 'https://www.YourDomain', 'https://www.YourDomain') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl';
UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid, 'https://www.YourDomain','https://www.YourDomain');
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, 'https://www.YourDomain', 'https://www.YourDomain');
UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = replace(meta_value,'https://www.YourDomain','https://www.YourDomain');
If you can't manage this yourself or if you prefer our support department to do this for you then you can create a ticket for this. We will then set this up for you for a fixed amount of €75.00 excluding VAT.