Create CSR

A CSR can be created in the control panel. This is the verification method used to make an SSL certificate active from another party. If you have ordered an SSL certificate for your webhosting from then this article can be ignored. We will take care of this for you.

First step is to login to the control panel at the following link:

Control panel

After this go to websites -> Select website.

Create CSR

Click the tab SSL. If this tab is not available in the control panel you can contact the helpdesk via a ticket.
Then click on Generate CSR.

Create CSR

Enter your data as you have received it from the provider. If you have any questions about this you can contact the publisher of the certificate. can do very little for you.
After this click on Generate CSR.

Create CSR

Create CSR

Next you will see your CSR certificate.

Create CSR

In the lower box you paste the complete CSR you received from the third party. After this click on Install certificate to finalize the process.

If you get any error messages you can contact the organization.

create csr, ssl certificate from other party, ssl other organization
Create CSR