WooCommerce for your website

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WooCommerce for your website

WooCommerce for your website

Anyone who has ever used WordPress Hosting is probably familiar with WooCommerce.WooCommerce is the most well-known Ecommerce platform for WordPress itself.

As a new user you may wonder what exactly this means.In this blog post we will go through what WooCommerce exactly is and what you can do with it.

What is e-commerce?

Before you begin using WooCommerce, it is important that you know exactly what Ecommerce entails.Ecommerce is similar to the word email and e-book, in that it stands for electronic mail and electronic book.

It literally stands for electronic commerce.You can think of second-hand sales through Marketplace or running your own webshop.

In this blog post we focus on the latter, running your own webshop.This can be easily created thanks to the WordPress plug-in called WooCommerce.

WooCommerce is in fact a WordPress plug-in that allows you to quickly and easily put together your own webshop.Below you will find more information about the plug-in WooCommerce.

What is WooCommerce

WooCommerce is a plug-in for WordPress that allows you to create your own webshop within WordPress.It is one of the most popular plug-ins that you can use to create your own webshop.

Fortunately, it is very easy to install and use.To install it you first need to log in to your WordPress website, you can do this by typing /wp-admin after your website name.

You can then click on the plug-in heading and then select new plug-in. Here you can then type in "WooCommerce" and after this you can install the WooCommerce.

After that you can configure WooCommerce to your own wishes and you have a start for your webshop.Should you need a more extensive instruction, you should read the following article: Installing WooCommerce.

Advantages of WooCommerce

If you already have your own webshop you might be wondering what the advantages are of switching to WooCommerce.The biggest advantage is that, like WordPress, WooCommerce is very easy to use for a beginner.

This way you can easily get started with WooCommerce on your Hosting even as a novice user.Another advantage for most people is that WooCommerce is completely free to use.

WooCommerce is also easy to expand to your own wishes because there are many plug-ins and themes available.Just keep in mind that not every theme or plug-in is free, so there may be additional costs involved.

Many updates

WooCommerce is a plug-in that is constantly developing and therefore becoming more comprehensive.Not only does it continuously improve but it also becomes a lot safer.

Also if you normally use WordPress you will probably already be familiar with the many updates.It is recommended that you keep both WordPress and WooCommerce up to date as much as possible.

Many of these updates are security updates to ensure that your website is a lot safer.Often older WordPress and WooCommerce versions are abused.

Fortunately, thanks to Managed WordPress Hosting it is now possible to update everything automatically.We take care of the updates for your WordPress website so you don't have to do this yourself anymore.


It may also be that you prefer to work with .net core websites, fortunately there is also an alternative.For this we have Umbraco Hosting on which you can run your own webshop.

Umbraco is a free open source content management system (CMS) that is suitable for windows server.This is also an excellent choice to run your Webshop on.

If you have any questions you can always check if there is a chat available.If no one is available you can create a ticket using our ticket system.Contact via Facebook or Twitter is also possible.