Website Content Management Systems what are they

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Website Content Management Systems what are they

Creating websites is no longer hours of code knocking for many, it doesn't take long days for a large number of companies and certainly the eventual website administrator to create the layout for example. The rise of Content Management Systems has made it so that for many SMEs it is enough to get by with a Content Management System. However, there are a lot of considerations and options to consider for this. And how they are structured. So in this blog post, let's look at how a Content Management System is constructed.

The Basics of a Content Management System

Basically, a Content Management System is not actually a way to make a website whole, it's a system on which you can easily have the content managed in a visual way. A godsend created by web builders so that they don't have to be called in for every change on a website, like opening hours for example. The line between a complete website solution and a Content Management System is increasingly blurred. With the rise of, for example, WordPress, everyone can select a theme to quickly create a complete website. Templates make your job in this easy and are available with various Content Management Systems in the many thousands free and paid.

So with a theme, a Content Management System can be finished into a complete website. Content Management Systems have different ideas about this however. Joomla, WordPress and other similar Content Management Systems make this an easy task, there is then a theme to install through the administrator environment itself, or through an external website to download. Content Management Systems such as Umbraco make this a little more complicated. Here it is assumed that a developer is involved and makes the layout custom for the website. There are ready-made themes available for Umbraco, but this is not the norm.

Umbraco is therefore often the choice for business customers who are looking for a custom website with unique functionality. And have also put away a budget for this. Umbraco is open source, but uses the Microsoft .NET framework, which with their LTS versions is supported for up to 2 years. A website made with Umbraco therefore has a longer lifespan and can live with fewer updates than a website made in WordPress or Joomla. Because of this, there is a clear division in who the Content Management Systems are used for the most.

Different types of Content Management Systems

Content Management Systems come in different flavors, for the beginner the choice is often easy. WordPress or Joomla are often chosen because of the ease of installation, writing the content, and choosing a ready-made (free) theme. Drupal and Umbraco are often the choices for companies as the developers can build in a lot of unique functionality for your website.

Another aspect of Content Management Systems are plug-ins, which provide additional functionality that is not standard in a Content Management System. This can be a contact form, a nice product slider on the homepage, or just some more settings for the findability in Google. There are many aspects to a website, you may also want to serve ads, and keep track of website statistics. And so on and so forth. So you can use Plug-ins to add this functionality that you are missing. However, this has a but, more plug-ins means more things to keep track of in terms of updates. And that you will often experience delays as soon as your plug-in list grows. With more plug-ins there are more things that need to be loaded onto almost every page of your website. A large plugin list can also cause conflicts with each other. So keep this within limits and think twice before installing a new plug-in.

Getting started with your Content Management System

If you are still in doubt about which Content Management System to use you can always come to us for a chat. We will be happy to help you make the right choice. We can inform you well since we have come into contact with almost every Content Management System as webhosters. And we can point out the pros and cons you might overlook.

There are also separate systems that can be used to create a Web shop and keep track of administrative issues. So you don't have to use a Content Management System to create a blog as was first intended with WordPress, for example. But there are also many other websites to create. Take a look at our knowledge base and try out a CMS by installing it on a subdomain. These are easy to create with our total hosting packages.

Start now your website with a Content Management System at for the fastest and cheapest result.