Web hosting for students

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Web hosting for students

As an application developer or online marketing student, you need your own development environment and playground on the Internet. For a reasonable price, you already have a hosting package and your own domain name for a year. This can serve as a blank canvas for all your school and leisure projects. In this blog post, we'll take a look at what you can do with it and what types of websites you can already experiment with.

Extensive specifications with our hosting packages

With a blank canvas, of course, you don't want to constantly run up against limits, so we have laid down extensive specifications in our packages that allow you to get started without any worries. With a standard SSD package, for example, you already have 25 GB of storage space, unlimited email addresses and the option to set up subdomains to test various things. A subdomain can also be easily deleted and managed completely separately from a main domain. This allows you to experiment to your heart's content without affecting your other project, for example.

You can also create databases with MySQL 5, MySQL 8 and even MariaDB. So you can also try out and test these different databases. You can also access all these databases with a tool that you probably already know from school: PhpMyAdmin. Or via your own favorite local tool, such as SQLyog or MySQL Workbench. So there are many options and ways to expand your skills with as many tools and techniques as possible. This can give you an edge in the classroom and make learning more fun than having to work with local virtual machines all the time.

Getting started with the latest technologies

With our packages, you can also work with the latest technologies. For example, we ensure that the latest (stable) PHP versions are always installed on your hosting space. And a separate .NET hosting package allows you to work with the latest .NET (Core), Blazor and MVC applications. So you can start projects with Visual Studio and publish them live on the web right away!

Easily install and experiment with content management systems

Within your hosting space, you can also install content management systems as you wish in order to experiment. WordPress, for example, is installed in our customer panel at the touch of a button. And you can install almost any other content management system yourself via FTP. WordPress will only be used by most digital marketers later on, so it is essential to gain experience with it now. Learn how to create the best content and actually start ranking on Google. And start visually designing your website with different themes and theme builders. This way, you'll be well prepared to have an advantage at your next job interview.

You can also think of your websites as an online portfolio and list them on your resume and in communications with potential employers, including internships. This way, you are more likely to be invited for an interview because you show that you are enthusiastic and already have some skills.

Trial websites and starting a website

In addition, your trial work can also develop into your own business or online presence. For example, show your work in an online portfolio to get your first freelance assignments. Or create your own website for your idea that will take the world by storm. You won't be the first to turn the project you started as a student into a business!

Of course, it's not essential to have sky-high ambitions; you can also have a lot of fun with a hobby website where you can showcase your latest work, for example. Report extensively on your hobby or start your own blog where you share your experiences. Over the years, this can also develop into a fun sideline that introduces you to the online world of today and tomorrow in a fun way.

So now you can also purchase your own hosting package to get a handle on your online presence and reap all the benefits for a small annual investment!