Webhosting companies in the Netherlands

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Webhosting companies in the Netherlands

Webhosting companies in the Netherlands

You are probably aware of the fact that there are many different types of hosting companies. In fact, each hosting company has its specialty. Some are better if you want to establish an e-commerce site, and others are better for individuals who want to maintain a blog. Still others are green hosting companies (meaning all the websites they host are hosted on green energy). But which hosting company are we talking about now, a question that is often asked is:

"So what's the difference between web hosting companies in the Netherlands and abroad - and what do you recommend?"

Web hosting companies in the Netherlands

If this is also a question you want to know the answer to, read on. You see, there are a lot of web hosting companies in the Netherlands, but compared to the amount of companies abroad, they are still quite few. While some hosting companies abroad might be a few tenners cheaper per year, the benefits of having a web hosting company in the Netherlands still outweigh a small cost savings. Here are 3 advantages why you should choose a web hosting company in the Netherlands:

Why a Dutch web hosting company - 3 reasons

If you have experience with website hosting, then you know that something always goes wrong or you need the help and support of your hosting company for certain actions. Think about adding a database, domain transfer, or simply help with an error message. With a Dutch hosting company you can easily open a chat or ticket and you can often get support the same day. In addition, you also don't have to deal with time differences. Also, foreign price fighters often want to present a hefty bill for the smallest help.

In addition, websites hosted in the Netherlands are also faster for your Dutch visitors. The difference is not great (a matter of 0.5 to a few seconds), but as you probably know most people are not very patient on the Internet. A single second can save a lot of visitors. The extra speed alone is worth it to have your website hosted in the Netherlands.

Finally, hosting with a web hosting company in the Netherlands also ensures that your website is more search engine friendly. A search engine looks at the geolocation of the visitor and your website. There is a very good chance that you will end up higher in the results for relevant Dutch searches.

MijnHostingPartner.nl - for all your webhosting needs

Interested in Dutch webhosting? MijnHostingPartner.nl can help you with that. With years of experience as a webhosting company in the Netherlands, we can help you with all your hosting needs. Take a look at our hosting page for all the affordable hosting packages we have to offer. And do you have questions about one of our services? Then feel free to contact us. We are happy to help you with anything you need.