Reseller web hosting MijnHostingPartner

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Reseller web hosting MijnHostingPartner

Reseller web hosting

If you have your own website or are interested in what's going on in the world wide web, then chances are that you have heard of reseller web hosting. Because for many people it is not entirely clear what the difference is between normal web hosting and reseller web hosting, we would like to explain in this article what exactly reseller web hosting is, and how it can help your business or personal site.

What is reseller web hosting?

Reseller web hosting is a form of web hosting. Typically, the web hosting provider sells (or "rents") disk space to its clients who have a website. These clients then use this space to build and manage their website. With reseller web hosting, there is a third party involved. The name says it all: the third party buys space from the web hosting provider - and resells it to customers who have a website. You often see that these companies provide web design or other services for websites.

Reseller web hosting is nothing more than the resale of disk space needed for a website. You can perhaps best compare it to the relationship between a wholesaler and a retailer. The wholesaler leases the space to the retailer, who in turn offers the space to its customers.

How does reseller web hosting work?

A web hosting provider has a huge amount of disk space available for websites. Often customers can also purchase hosting from the web hosting provider themselves. In order to reach more clients, the web hosting provider gives other (often smaller) companies the opportunity to approach clients themselves. When the customers do business with the reseller, they get the same end product as the customers who do business directly with the web hosting provider, but often with additional services from the retailer.

This gives many advantages to the customer. For, imagine this: you have a local business that you have been busy with for several years. You want a website for your business to reach more people. Now you can go straight to the web hosting provider for your website, but then what? You probably don't have a whole lot of understanding about setting up a website - let alone the time for it....

This is where reseller web hosting can make all the difference. You can go to a reseller who also specializes in web design. He can make sure that you not only get the space and hosting you need for your website, but he can also set up your site, provide optimized web copy and many other options. Of course he will charge you extra for this as well, but it is nothing compared to the convenience you will get in return!