Page structure of a website

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Page structure of a website

The page structure of a website is an important part of any website. With the right structure you can ensure that your users can easily navigate and you can achieve the goals of your website. These tips will help you make sure your pages are structured in a logical way.

To give users a better opportunity to perform a desired action on your website it is important to have a comprehensible interface on your website. This ensures that users are more likely to click through to another page on your website. Like a shopping cart with their desired product. Or a next blog post where they continue to read, and also go to your contact page for example to contact you because of interest. An understandable interface and a clear layout will make you see more conversions.

What pages are needed with a website?

To determine which pages are needed for your website you first need to determine what kind of website you have or are going to create. Is it a portfolio website where you showcase your latest work? A blog where you share information or a company website that needs to make it easier for customers to find you. Let's put together what kind of pages are needed with most websites.

Contact page, About us page

With any website, one of the above pages are necessary. Here you explain who or what organization is behind the website. And invite further contact with questions or requests. Or just more information. So explain who is behind the website, and make sure you handle this truthfully. This has also become a ranking factor in the latest Google Updates.

On the contact page you must ensure that visitors with questions can go, so make sure you have a clear email address that is also responded to. If necessary, include a contact form or a phone number that can be called. This ensures transparency and a closer contact than for example with an anonymous website.

Main page, home page

On the main page you should ensure that visitors are challenged to perform a desired action. Whether this is to read a blog, to make further contact or to leave an email address. So pay attention to this and make sure it looks good. With short alineas and challenging texts. A home page with a wall of text does not perform well in almost all cases.

Blog reel

Almost every website can benefit from a blog, whether it is a company website or a hobby site. With a blog, you get many more chances to rank alongside your main content. And you ensure that your readers are retained and challenged to perform a desired action. Or simply inform them more. A blog reel is a page that shows all blog posts. This is often after the URL with /blog behind it. If your website hosting is primarily a blog then it is not necessary to create a separate URL for this, just have it directly on your website. Visitors who want to read more can scroll between your blog posts for the information they want.

So with a blog reel you can get more out of your visitors who find your subject matter interesting. You can create blog posts for any niche or industry that your website is in. Whether this is photography, nature, tech, construction, woodworking, etc.

Other product and information pages

If you sell services or products you should of course also create separate pages for them. This ensures that you also create more content for these separate products which gives you a chance at more traffic from various channels. These products and information pages are often divided using categories. Which make it easier to distinguish.

Making the pages easy to navigate with a main menu

Having a main menu at the top of the page or in another logical place makes it much easier for visitors to navigate. So think carefully about where you put this menu. And about how you put this menu together. You can also use different categories and other tactics in the menu, to make it as clear as possible. This is also important for search engine crawlers, who check how a website is navigated. Also check the menu on mobile devices to ensure that your visitors can navigate easily on these too.

All these settings and more are easier if you use a clear way of founding your website. Whether this is a Content Management System like WordPress, or building the website with an existing framework. A lot of these settings, such as the URL structure, the menu options and more, are already included. So you do not have to look deeper into this yourself. And you can get started faster and make your hosting plans a success.