Websites created using WordPress
When you are researching ways to create your own website, it can sometimes be helpful to be able to see the possibilities and see some sample websites that have been created using the Content Management System you want to use. This way you can get a better idea of what you can do with it, and maybe write down some ideas for your website. Let's take a look at websites made in WordPress!
Websites made in WordPress
WordPress is the most popular Content Management System used, more than 60 percent of all websites created with a Content Management System are created using WordPress. So there are a lot of websites that are created in it. What started out as a simple way to blog has become a flexible system with which a wide selection of types of websites can be created.
The website for everything related to visiting, living, working and recreating in Finland. A wide pool of topics is blogged and written about to naturally educate an international audience who are in Finland, or to get them to Finland. This website uses WordPress to thus create their content here and uses a blog role layout on the homepage. So to invite visitors to read the individual blogs for more information about Finland, or anything related to Finland.

This is a website set up with support from the Finnish government, and is also further active on many different Social Media and even has a YouTube channel. Their goal is to inform and entertain visitors with content about Finland and Finnish culture. A website is obviously the option for this!
The otherwise clean layout of the website does not distract too much from what is important to them, the content in the form of the blog posts. Also striking to me, at least, is the nice font used on the website. And the nice accent colors they use in their styling.
Besides the content in the form of blog posts, they also offer more information and certain tools to quickly get started with, for example, studying or working in Finland as a foreigner.

LadybirdEducation is a website aimed to be used by teachers and institutions to teach students English. With interactive assignments, books and other teaching materials, free resources can be used by anyone. And further teaching materials can also be purchased. So with WordPress, a somewhat more elaborate website is set up with these systems and thus no direct content is published as it is with In fact, the lessons first require you to create an account.
So this is a fun and convenient way to make English learning more accessible around the world. Which, of course, is positive for many.

Bill Burr is an American comedian who also had his website created using WordPress. Like many freelancers, famous personalities and other personal reasons can have their own domain name. Combined with a WordPress website can ensure that you further develop your personal brand. A website is often the gathering place for a lot of different types of artists, artists, actors and so on. Here visitors can learn more about you, see your content or shows, or get in touch with you, for example.
This website gives you access to the latest shows given, the latest content from the comedian himself. In the form of his podcast that you can listen to directly and more about the comedian. So this can also be applied in the same way for your various projects, have your latest work showcased or get in touch with you. One of the big pluses that you have with WordPress is that you can easily and easily have this ready with minimal effort. And therefore can be put together even if you are not technical!

Mark Cuban is a popular businessman from the United States, with his large sources of income and various projects, therefore people are automatically interested in how he was able to achieve this. And how he stakes out about various things. For the same reasons, there are more successful businessmen who draw attention with their various projects and funds. And Mark Cuban decides to do the same again by enabling a WordPress website. As a gathering place for his latest blog posts and how people can find him. Social Media, of course, is also widely used for this purpose. But having your own website is entirely up to you. Something you don't have with a Social Media channel.
If you take a look at his blog posts you will see great articles on everything he invests in and his thoughts on the different markets. Also, for fun, take a look at his backlink profile under an average blog post. Many a webmaster will be jealous of this.
We hope these websites will give you a look at what successful websites look like created with WordPress. You will see with most of the bigger names that they have a custom theme installed, or on the other hand have an agency for this. This does not mean that you need to purchase a special theme for this as well. With the many thousands of free to use themes within WordPress, a lot is possible.
Take a look at the websites, make sure you make notes of things you like or on the other hand can apply within your website. And get to work achieving your website dreams! For a low price with hosting from