Website creation for photography

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Website creation for photography

Creating a website for your photography work is not only possible with our competitively priced hosting packages, but can also be set up very easily. There are several options available to set up a nice portfolio with a number of different options for the method of website creation. In this blog post, let's discuss how to best create your photography website for your needs!

So the website can be created in multiple ways, there are a lot of different content management systems that allow you to easily and quickly set up a website for your photography work. These portfolios you can then further manage and arrange yourself to your style. And further use this to distribute your work with all the benefits that your own website can offer.

One of the most common methods used by people to achieve this is the Content Management System WordPress, here you can easily and quickly create a website. Which not only can be found and used well, but can also be set up completely without coding. One thing else that is certain is that for a photography website it is best to choose an SSD hosting package with us. With this, your website files are on Solid State Drives, and are thus available incredibly fast.

Install Content Management System for this purpose in your hosting package

To create a photography portfolio, a Content Management System of your choice can be installed on your hosting package. Exactly how this works is a question of which CMS you choose for this purpose. To create a website for photography with WordPress you can easily get started with the installation, this is a matter of a click of a button with's new customer panel.

For some other Content Management Systems this will take a little more attention, but fortunately we have an extensive knowledge base where all the steps for this are described in detail. And if you can't figure it out, we're here to help you.

Keeping the website fast by optimizing images

What all websites have in common is the desire to load as fast as possible on all devices, this helps not only the user, but also a lot of other factors. The SSD hosting from ensures that this can be achieved with lightning speed, thanks in part to global DNS coverage and data centers in Utrecht and Amsterdam. But even with this, it is necessary not to upload images to your website in raw. A typical website has a total size of around 1 MB on the homepage, with 1 large image in 4K you're easily over 5 MB. This can cause slowness and display issues on, for example, a mobile phone. Your task is to make your portfolio look fantastic, but also pleasant to use.

Therefore it is necessary to make your beautiful photos suitable for a website. You do this by first learning about the correct dimensions you can use for certain photos. A Content Management System like WordPress always helps you with this by indicating this as soon as you want to use a photo for something. Before you upload the photo to the hosting space or website, it's best to adjust it accordingly. To take an example, a typical image for a cover son uses 900 x 500 pixels. So you can set it to this.

To improve this one more time you can also reduce or adjust the quality of the image. You can do this by adjusting it in your favorite program. Or you can use an online tool like By simply uploading and downloading this you can easily reduce the image by half or more.

Further clever tricks are also to use different photo galleries, a small version of the photo is then displayed on the homepage, or the page that most visitors will see. And as soon as it is clicked, a larger format of the photo will be loaded. So that way you can spread it out and not load everything at once in large format. This will also drastically help your loading times.

Lazy loading can also achieve a lot on Photography websites, where an image is only loaded when it appears on the screen. Images at the bottom of a page are not loaded immediately. Within WordPress this is a standard feature, and it is also a big reason why this Content Management System is so popular with photographers.

Attracting public to your photos

A website can attract audiences in different ways, there is advertising through a search engine and various Social Media. For example, when people search for a photographer in Vianen, your ad can come up here. In addition to advertising, you can also build traffic with organic traffic. This is traffic to your website for which you do not pay directly. So these are the regular search results and the natural traffic you receive within Social Media. Instagram and Pinterest can be seamlessly integrated within your website, creating more opportunities to score here.

Will you also start your photography website at For less than a week in shopping you already have a year of SSD hosting and a domain name! Get your package now to get started right away.