Use of affiliate marketing on your website

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Use of affiliate marketing on your website

There are a number of different revenue streams that you can use for your website, which can be grouped into three different types. Products that you sell yourself, ads that you run, or displaying affiliate products on your website. Let's explain the difference between these streams and how you can use them to generate revenue on your website.

Making money from a website is a given for many webmasters, whether they run a blog, a web store or a business website. Once your website starts getting more visitors, there is a real chance that you can make money from your website. When creating your website, it can be helpful to get an idea of the ways in which you want to generate revenue. For the beginner, this can be very helpful to see what is possible. And how you can implement this on your website. Let's get started!

Three revenue streams

Most websites use a number of different revenue streams, with the most commonly used methods often generating the most revenue. But they have different tiers. Ads are a good example, if your website is approved for an ad network like Google AdSense and uses it to serve ads. Then you usually earn less with the same number of visitors than with an ad network like AdThrive, Mediavine or Ezoic. However, this has many pitfalls.

If you have another source of revenue besides ads on your website, it's often the services or products you sell. This includes many web stores and business websites. And finally, there is the affiliate income you can earn. Let's take a look at what that is exactly and how you can do this for your website.

Getting started in affiliate marketing

Like almost any way you can think of to generate income from your website is to make sure your website gets traffic, this can be through social media, both natural and paid. Through the Google search network, ads or other advertising. With this traffic, you can then provide links on your website that lead visitors to an offer or promotion. And once that party generates sales, you get a percentage of that. Often, especially with the larger companies, we're talking 1 to 5 percent commission. But it can be more if you sell more for them.

The links are often created by the final party or tool and can be used on your site; there are often banners and other images available for you to use. Also on irrelevant pages, for example in a sidebar of your website.

Most companies also choose not to create their own affiliate system, but to work with an existing party. There are several providers worldwide who make their software available for this purpose. In the Netherlands, there are also a number of local parties that only offer this option. Examples include Tradetracker, Shareasale and others that are available in the Netherlands, as well as global offerings that you can use. The companies then sign up with the network and provide some images and information. And then you can sign up with that company. Ultimately, the company itself decides whether your website is actually approved here.

Find your own programs to participate in

Many larger companies that offer their services or products directly on their website have a partner system that you can sign up for. So in addition to the well-known providers like, CoolBlue and Amazon. You can also look at the companies and services that most closely match your niche or industry. It can sometimes be surprising which companies have an affiliate system.

Just look at the company's website and look in the footer for references to a program you can participate in. Or go to a provider like Tradetracker or Shareasale to see if they are listed. And finally, of course, you can use Google to find an affiliate program of a particular company that you're interested in.

So there are many different ways to generate revenue with your website. Affiliate marketing is one of the most successful ways to do this without dealing directly with customers. And it doesn't have the same consequences as drop-shopping, for example. So use affiliate marketing on your website!