Translate a website

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Translate a website

Translating a website

To translate a website, you have a number of options these days. It is useful to offer your website in different languages for other countries and thus more audience. To translate your website you have a large number of free tools. If you want to have the translation done by a translator you can spend quite a bit of money. However, you will have more assurance that your website will be properly translated. The choice also depends on whether you have a company website or an informal page. Translations are generally always accessible through an icon or drop down on the top right side of the website.

Google Translate

Probably no surprise to most people but Google translate is a simple and quick way to translate your website. Try it out with a blog post! Enter the following URL at:

The results get better and better over the years and it is a quick alternative to at least make your website hosting readable for foreign visitors.

Google Chrome

If your visitors use Google Chrome then it is often suggested to automatically translate the website. This is a handy feature that means you don't even have to bother with it. The browser does all the work for you automatically and adapts it to the language.


And as a last option you can always hire someone to translate your website hosting. You can always find someone in your social circles who can do this for you. And if not there are a lot of websites where you can hire this. You can also adopt the open source model and recruit your visitors as volunteers. This is also what Content Management Systems like nopCommerce hosting and WordPress hosting use. Translation is then done by volunteers working together on different versions.