Tips for your web design

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Tips for your web design

When you are new to the world of websites and hosting, it may well be that you have yet to create your website.The design is of course very important, if you don't have a beautiful website people are more likely to look elsewhere for an alternative.

It is therefore important that your website looks nice, but also that it is not too busy.A good design is therefore very important for your website otherwise you will lose visitors, but what is a good design?In this blog post we will go through a number of things that will give you a nice layout on your website.

Make sure you have a good layout

If you have your own website it is important that people can easily navigate through it.If this is difficult or if your website is cluttered, chances are people will leave quickly.

It is therefore important that your website looks calm and well-organized.For example, you do not have to fill everything with content, this will only make your website busier.

It is also not recommended to use bright and bold colors, this can be quite distracting for the visitor.It's best to use quiet colors so that it is pleasant for the user to look at.

The font is also important, fonts like Comic Sans are not recommended. Besides the fact that it is not a nice font, it is mainly because these fonts are often harder to read and unpleasant to the eyes.

A mobile site

Besides the fact that your website should look good on your desktop, it is especially important that your website looks good on your mobile phone.Many users use their phones to access the internet, which makes it useful to adjust your hosting accordingly.

There are many ways you can do this, one of the best known methods is the mobile first method.With this method you develop the website with the mobile user in mind, this means that you create the website for mobile devices by default.

There are also websites that use a separate subdomain for their mobile website.Many of these websites have an "m" in front of the domain name, so you can recognize that it is a mobile website.

If you have any further questions on this subject you can always check whether there is a chat available.If the chat is not available you can always create a ticket to our helpdesk. You can also contact us via Twitter or Facebook.