Tips for self-employed people who offer their services through a website

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Tips for self-employed people who offer their services through a website

Self-employed people can benefit from a website in many ways In addition to the obvious goal of attracting more customers, you may be Not yet sure exactly how to achieve that. We explain this in more detail in this blog Post in more detail. Let's start with tips you can apply to your website Website can apply to make sure you attract more customers!

Use Call-to-Actions

A call-to-action is a request for action that you place on your website, for example, "Contact us" or "Request a Request a Quote." By using these clear calls to action, you can Visitors to your website to contact you or purchase a service. Or purchase a service. These call-to-actions are best presented in eye-catching colors and buttons that ensure the eye is drawn to them immediately. Immediately.

Clear service pages.

On your hosting website, make sure you have clear pages That describe the services you offer. Also, clearly state the benefits of your services and why a potential customer should choose you. Do not try to explain this with explaining it with text only, but use images and videos as well. And video. For example, a short video that shows what you do and how you can apply it to others. This way you can make your services look more attractive than those of your competitors. If you have very different services, it is best to break this up into multiple pages.

Give examples of your previous work

As a self-employed person, it is important to show what you have to offer. Have to offer. Therefore, give examples of previous work you have done. This can be take the form of a portfolio or customer reviews, for example. This is often explained directly on the homepage, so that it stands out quickly. You can also use testimonials to make sure that that this is presented in a nice way. You can ask previous customers Customers to briefly summarize their experience and include a picture of the person, company, or project. Person, company or project.

Make sure it is easy to find

It is important that potential customers can find your website Be able to find your website through search engines like Google. Make sure that your website is is optimized for search engines (see my earlier blog post about SEO), but but also that you have a presence on relevant online platforms like social media. Social media, as a ZZP'er, can certainly ensure that you're spending your Budget to get your services out to people. With the right target audience and the right advertising, you can make sure that your website comes to the forefront.

Make it easy to get in touch

Make sure it's easy for potential clients to get in touch with Contacting you. For example, place a clear contact form on your website and include your contact information in several places. You can also Use clear and eye-catching buttons for contacting you. A live chat option is also often useful, as it creates a low barrier To get in touch with you. You can even set up a Whatsapp Link. Or install the chat software on your phone. Note that so this also often interferes with your privacy or times. Especially as a self-employed person it is advisable to still set limits here.

Offer free information or a get-to-know-you conversation

As a ZZP'er, you can convince potential clients of your convinced of your expertise by offering free information, for example in the form of an E-book or white paper. In addition, you can invite potential customers to a meeting where you can tell them more about your services. Services. The familiar "Come in for a coffee" or "The coffee's ready!" are Call-to-actions that are often used here on a website.

If you take the above tips to heart, you as a self-employed person you as a self-employed person can effectively offer your services through your website. It is important to pay attention to clarity and clarity and customer-friendliness so that potential customers can easily contact you And know what to expect from you.

Apply these tips to your website now and make sure to attract more customers!