Tips for making backups

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Tips for making backups

Tips for making backups

Making backups for your website is of course very important. Not only convenient but if something breaks on your Hosting you can restore it.

There are also a number of things you should and should not do when making backups. In this blog post we will go over things that you should and should not do when making backups.

How often should I make a backup?

A question we often get is how often you should make a backup. There is not really a correct answer to this question, it also depends on your website and the content it contains.

If you have a lot of important data on it that changes every day then it is advisable to make a backup at least once a day. If you use a hobby website that is updated once a month then it is best to make a backup before you make any updates.

Backing up can of course take some time especially when you have a large website. It is therefore advisable to make the backup in your spare time or just before you go home.

This way you can let the backup run so that it does not bother you. When you check the next morning you will see that the backup has been completed.

How can I make backups?

If you are using Hosting services then you will need to back them up regularly. At MijnHostingPartner there are several ways in which it is possible to make a backup of your website.

You can do this in the control panel under space statistics and then press backup. Then you can choose where exactly you want the backup to be placed, this is usually in your space.

If a zip file is created from this you only have to press this button and it will be saved locally. So you have a backup in your total package but also locally.

If you would rather have it stored locally then it is probably best to do this via FTP. You can do this for example through a program such as FileZilla.

Then you create a local folder where you want it stored and you drag your files here. This may take a while, so it is always advisable to do this just before you go home.

It is also possible to create an automatic backup in the control panel. You can set this up further under scheduled tasks, where you select the backup task.

How can I save my backups?

Now there is still the question of how you can best store your backups. It is always best to do this locally, so you always have a backup on your computer.

Even if something goes wrong in your hosting, you can restore it within moments. It is also advisable to note the date of the backup, so you know exactly when it is as soon as you restore it.

If you have any questions about this, you can always see if there is a chat available. If no one is available you can send a ticket to our helpdesk. Contact via Facebook or Twitter is also possible.