Website design tips

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Website design tips

What should you consider when designing a website?

In this blog post we are going to explain the basic steps of web design. What should you take into account and what kind of action list can you make? That's what we are going to cover in this blog post.

Make a plan for your web design

As also covered last week in our Saturday blog post, you can use web design hosting which is fluid and can be done on any device. Make a plan for your website and its content. Only after this look at the design aspect what you need. Also, look at your competitors and do a comparison shopping for your plan for a website. You can then see what keywords are being used and what content you should prioritize. Also find the latest trends in your niche and mention this in your content. The latest trends can be checked on social media, search networks and for example Google Trends. This way you can determine what is going on in your market.

Create a sitemap for your website hosting

With a sitemap you can map out what kind of website you want to have and what its structure looks like. A sitemap can be sketched out roughly on a whiteboard, for example. Or for an existing website you can have the sitemap generated with a number of easy online tools on your webhost.

A sitemap.xml on your website is especially important when the website is live for the ranking within search engines. This is because it helps Google and Bing to map your website faster and ensure that your content is indexed faster.

Stick to the plan

It's tempting to start quickly and deviate from your plan. However, we recommend following the steps and documenting what side steps you take. That way you always have a record for yourself of what changed where. It's easier if you want to update your website after a year!

Put your content first

In the end, it all comes down to the fact that your website content should be put first on your web hosting. The content should be interesting and call to action. Whether you want to sell something or have your content read. Combine this with a nice font that you carry through on your website and call to actions in the form of images. This is the nicest way to read your content.