The look of your website

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The look of your website

The look of your website

With website creation, you can throw yourself into the technical aspect and focus on this. However, it is also very important to pay attention to the layout of your website. This is the first thing your visitors see and the only thing they actually look at. But what should you take into account at the front end and how can you best set this up? We will explain this in this blog post.

Webdesign can be divided into a number of parts. We are going to cover the following points:

  • Ease of use
  • Layout
  • Color styles
  • Typography
  • Ease of use

To start with ease of use, you need to take into account the speed of your website. The speed of your hosting is extremely important for the ease of use. You simply lose customers when your website reacts slowly. 3 seconds is what several tests have shown visitors to be patient with. This can be achieved by choosing our super fast SSD hosting. In addition to web hosting, it is also important to take a critical look at your website. You can do this with a number of tools such as pingdom or google pagespeeds or manually with F12 and look under network. Here you can see exactly what resources are loaded for your website. You must also take into account the layout of the website.


The layout makes or breaks your website. You should put everything in a logical place so that visitors can easily navigate your website. And not have to search for a specific page with a lot of effort. This starts with making a sketch of your website on paper or a board. This way you can see it clearly in front of you. We also recommend to let a few people look at it who do and don't have technical experience. Then you can make some adjustments where necessary.

Also take into account the various sizes of monitors and mobile devices in your web design. It is not recommended to create a diverse website for mobile devices. Make sure you design your website responsive.

Color styles

The color styles you use is again related to the overall layout. It is often recommended not to use screaming colors as it can be seen as distracting. It can also make the text difficult to read when you use it in text fields. Think carefully about what colors you want to use and use the same color tone across the entire website and also in advertising / other statements on other sites such as Facebook. This makes your website recognizable.


The typography or font of your website hosting is important to keep in mind. It is important based on your niche what kind of font to use. For a business website, a more traditional style may be chosen. For a more playful site or portfolio, a more exotic type may be chosen. Also, use the font again across the entire website web hosting. A good resource for this is Adobe Typekit, for example.

We hope that with these points you can create your website in a fun and correct way. If you have any questions or tips you can always come to the online chat to start a conversation with one of our colleagues!