Responding to the seasons with your website

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Responding to the seasons with your website

Different sports, businesses and blogs need to respond to the seasons to keep constant traffic to your website. There are obviously fewer people searching for winter sports in the middle of summer than when the first snow is falling. In this article we will explain how to capitalize on this and make your content suitable for it on your website.

With any website focusing on a different sport, hobby or product, you may have to deal with seasonal searches and levels of interest. A good example is ice skating and water sports which we will mention several times in this blog post. Ice skating of course peaks in winter, but can also be practiced year round in various ice halls.

Water sports is a broader niche (more on different niches in a later headline) and can be about slooping, water skiing, windsurfing and you name it. These sports or niches you may have in mind that you will only see results from here in the peaks, but this is not necessarily the case. Let's cover how you can get the most out of these. So that you get more traffic to your website, even in the lows of popularity.

What sports, services or products do you write about or promote?

Different sports, services or products are thus sensitive to the season in which it is most popular. And thus also has more searches in that particular season. This can be seen as a reason not to invest in a website, webshop or blog in that season. And to wait for the peak again. But that is often not the right way to look at it.

A boat with water sports can also be written about in the winter, make a mindmap and start thinking of topics that can be searched for in the off season. Such as maintenance of a sloop in the winter, how best to store your skates, how to prevent rust or wear in the winter. You name it. With a bit of brainstorming you can often come up with a lot of topics and questions that people may have in the season that there is less popularity towards the sport or niche.

Different niches explained

Niches have been mentioned several times in this article, a niche is a subject that a website is about. So if you have a web shop that carries ice skates then your niche can be described as ice skating. Water sports in its broad sense can also be seen as a niche. You can keep a niche wider and write about many different niches within it. Or focus on a smaller niche with your website.

Often blogs and webshops depend on that niche and also connect to your hobby or interests. It is much easier to put enthusiasm in a text or website where your interests lie. Writing for this will be easier and you will be less likely to encounter the writers block that every webmaster or content writer encounters.

Determine the trend of your niche with Google Trends

It is important to know when your niche is most and least popular in which season. For that, the following free tool is hugely important, which is of course from Google itself. In Google trends you can see how many searches a different niche has and when exactly. Also look back over the years at the popularity of these and thus determine when what content performs best. This way you know what to expect before you start writing about a certain topic.

Skating is simply a subject that is searched for less often in the summer. You can accommodate this by using multiple angles, such as the maintenance of skates and how to prevent them from rusting. But you can assume that your visitors mainly land on your website in the winter.

Read more about Google Trends in one of our previous blog posts, where we cover the tool in detail.

Designing and publishing content for the different seasons

So think carefully about your niche and try to respond to the different seasons, make a mindmap about the different topics that can be written about in the off seasons. And create for example a separate product group on your web shop for that specific season. Or a separate category in your blog posts. When you are dependent on organic traffic from search engines like Google, Bing or DuckDuckGo, it is important to publish content a few months earlier. In most cases content needs time to be indexed by search engines and to get the right place in search results.

So publish your content in the web hosting for the winter in the summer and visa versa. To make sure you are on time with this. As your website has more authority and a stronger profile then it can be published a little later. Popularity of the specific search term is also a strong factor. So stay informed and determine the best strategy for yourself!

Furthermore, I would like to mention that you should check if there is any search for your niche in the off-season. Don't just use Google Trends but also other keyword research tools. They can help you determine this in more detail. If you can't find any or little information about this, then you can also take a chance and spend a few days on this. And the following year see how this content has performed. Internet marketing is not only a sprint, but often a marathon.

We hope this blog post helped you and that you got a little inspiration to look at your niche in a new way! Please share this blog post on social media and let us know what you thought about it.