Sources you can use for your website

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Sources you can use for your website

Resources you can use for your websiteWith

the start of a website you may have a lot of questions. There are a few things that always require some homework when you get going with a CMS or developing a site. That's why it's easy to know where to look for your questions. And you will undoubtedly will have. It's important to first ask yourself the following question.

What kind of website do I have or am I creating?

Commercial or hobbyistIs

important to take into account. If you are dependent on your income from your website then it might be wise not to worry about the technical worry about the technical aspect of your website and outsource it. outsource. For this you can make use of a legion of web developers and technical people. At we take all the worries out of your hands.


a hobby website it is somewhat less vital to hire a separate website developer. You After all, you are involved in your hobby and do not mind delving into the books and sources yourself. and sources to dive into. For you, this blog post is also meant.

A CMS like WordPress or UmbracoWith

a CMS or Content Management System you have for almost every a hefty load of information available. This can be done through the official documentation of the CMS, various forums and other articles and websites. A great example of this is WordPress. This is the biggest boy among the systems and logically there is a wealth of information to pick up. But where do you find what you need?
Host Asking for specifics is, of course, easy. Just at! See our knowledge base for almost all your questions.
For For website questions and designs you can always use the forums of WordPress itself. Forums. This is an enthusiastic community that wants to help you. help. Stackoverflow is also a popular resource for more technical questions.

A self-made website in ASP.NET or PHP

When you you start coding, there are really only a few resources you need. A good book about the coding language and how to apply it and a link to or Here you will find questions and know how to deal with the language. We recommend to look up examples and adapt them so you understand how it works. With your new knowledge you can immediately distinguish yourself and make your website to your liking.