Placing an ad on a website

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Placing an ad on a website

If you want to place ads on your website, you have several options on how to do it. It also depends on which ad network you have partnered with and how it is organized. Let's take a look at how it works and what you can use to display ads on your website.

Advertisements are a great source of income for many webmasters and ensure that income can often be generated from a website without any direct action or purchase. This makes advertising still, or perhaps even more, the choice for many informative websites or blogs to generate income. But which advertising network can you use for your website? And exactly where do you show your ads next? In this blog post, we'll take a closer look.

Ad Networks

There are a number of ad networks you can choose to show ads on your website, but many only use Google Marketplace for ads. But with their own flavor, often with more RPM and higher CPC. For more income. Google AdSense is often the go-to for anyone who wants to run ads on their website. That's because Google AdSense has a low barrier to entry. And as long as your site is filled with core business and has 10 articles of content, you will often be accepted already. The privacy, cookies and our company pages are also important.

Some other advertising networks have higher requirements to become a member. For example, there may be requirements for monthly traffic. For example, you need 100,000 visitors per month to get past the front door. There may also be requirements for what country or countries the traffic is coming from. Therefore, it is important to check if you meet the requirements before making a decision about it. This will save you time and effort.

So take a look at your analytics and the requirements or frequently asked questions (FAQ) page, and you'll be able to quickly determine if you already qualify.

Automatic placements

Automatic ad placements are available almost everywhere in 2022. The big advantage is that it requires almost no work on your part. You just have to activate it and then you can forget about it. The only thing you need to do is to experiment from time to time to see if your income can be increased. With automatic placement, Google or your ad network takes care of which ads are shown to the individual visitor. How many ads are displayed and where. Basically, you don't have to do anything yourself.

This is obviously the way to go for anyone looking for a passive way to generate income from their website. With minimal effort, you can then focus on creating content for your visitors. And don't waste valuable time constantly placing and optimizing your ads. That's why many content creators and webmasters who are on their own choose to have this done automatically. One less piece you have to worry about. If you have a team, you can also post manually.

Manual placement

Manually placing ads on your website can be a good thing, but it can also be worse than automatic placement. The advantage of this is that you have more choices about where and how your website looks with the ads. The disadvantage is that you need more time per article and page. And that you can also make the wrong choice when placing your ads. More on that later in this article.

Manually placing your ads on a website can work well if you are familiar with it, for example, if you know what your visitors want and can value your ads in certain places. Then you can achieve more with manual ads. However, if you don't have hard data or do it haphazardly, it can also have negative effects. You have to assume that visitors who don't want to see ads at all are using adblockers. But many users realize that this is a necessity. After all, nothing comes for free. And website hosting is not free, though at a very reasonable price at

Manual placements are in my opinion something for the experienced user, many beginners and webmasters who just don't have the time for it, I recommend to use the automatic placements of your provider. And do a b test or other experiment every now and then if you think a site might perform better.

What are the best places for your ads?

Ads are best placed where they will be most noticeable, that is, where they will be clicked and viewed. However, with pop-up ads and full-display ads, you will also see more bounces on your website. It's always a trade-off between user experience and revenue. Traditionally, ads are placed in the middle of an article or text. On the sides where there is empty space next to the content. And in the header and footer areas of a website. You can also make them interactive, zoom in and out and so on. What works best, however, varies by theme and website. For this reason, the larger ad networks also have AI in place to run small experiments each time and see what works best based on those experiments. You can mimic this as a manual advertising patch. But of course, never to the extent that an AI can.

So it's up to you which network you want to work with and how you want to serve your ads. What's your experience with display ads? Let us know via social media! We'd love to hear about your experiences.