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New page or post published Follow these steps

Every website should contain new content at regular intervals, whether in the form of a blog post, a new article, or a new page on a website. New pages and posts represent new opportunities and therefore need to be indexable and promoted in various ways. In this blog post, let's take a look at how this works.

New content is part of maintaining a website. Not only does it keep the site secure and up to date, but it is also an important part of the life of your site. Without new content, a website can quickly fall into oblivion. Read on for all the tips on publishing new content and maintaining it.

Final check, visually, orthographically and technically.

After you hit publish, you should check that everything is in order in the foreground as well. Many content management systems, such as WordPress , allow you to preview your content for the world to see before publishing. This helps you remove errors or adjust the size of an image. Always try to preview your new page on different screen sizes. It is possible that an image or table will not display well on mobile devices. If so, it's important to make sure it's appropriate. If not, you can see the negative impact in Google Search Console.

New page or post published Follow these steps

Also, a final check of language and spelling is often easier in the foreground, as this is also the reading environment your visitors use. It also gives you a different perspective that makes you look back with new eyes. I've also found that this works better than reading the background where you're writing it too.

New page or new post, make sure it can be indexed.

Technically, the new page should also be checked, remember the URL is formatted correctly. In other words, no weird characters or unnecessarily long text. And make sure that the page can be indexed. You can do this by checking sitemap.xml for the new URL and passing the URL through Google Search Console. This manual indexing can also show you what items might be wrong so you can fix them quickly.

New page or post published Follow these steps

You can also check with Google itself to make sure your ad looks right.

Advertise on social media and other channels

Advertising content on social media is the most obvious choice for most. We've talked in previous blog posts about how you can find your target audience through various social media platforms. These can then be used to promote your new content. For example, do this on Instagram with the most beautiful picture of the page or in some other visually appealing way. And share the link on Twitter with your followers or hashtags.

Advertising on social media can have different results depending on how the individual post is received. Also, social networks are becoming less inclined to redirect traffic to an external website. This is reflected in mobile apps, where an integrated browser is used to keep traffic internal.

How important is new content to a website?

New content brings new opportunities because, as mentioned earlier, a website without new content has little chance of success. For example, a website that exists only as an online business card has little chance of showing up for terms other than the company name. New content in the form of blogs, articles, and new pages is a positive signal to search engines and, more importantly, to your website visitors. There is always something (new) to share about your area of expertise and your company. Whether it's vegetables, shoes, or vacation parks.

Blogs are a popular way to maintain this new content and publish an article once a week, for example. You can also target more comprehensive terms for marketing under this heading. Instead of your main terms or keywords that you have placed ads for, for example. It also gives the visitor a better reason to stay on your site. A landing page without more content doesn't give a visitor who isn't quite convinced yet a reason to be convinced. With a catalog of fresh new content, this can be the case.

So new content is interesting both for attracting new customers and for existing customers. Of course, this is even more true for informational websites that have content as their business model. New content is almost the raison d'être there.

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