New free plug-in for food bloggers

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New free plug-in for food bloggers

There are a lot of individuals and one-man bloggers who have their websites to share tasty recipes and cooking experiences with their audience. This is often created with the support of the popular Content Management System WordPress. Which you can easily and simply start a blog website with. Without coding. One of the great things about WordPress is also further that there are tens of thousands of free plug-ins and themes available where you can make your website hosting all your own.

Food Bloggers naturally have a few requirements to visually make a recipe or article more appealing. And of course to give people an easy opportunity to share via Social Media. With a plug-in recently released from WPZOOM, you can add even more fun to recipes and make them look a little nicer visually. In this blog post, let's take a look at the functions of the plug-in and how you too can use it to pimp your WordPress food blog!

Features of the WPZOOM plug-in.

The Patterns or patterns within WordPress is a recent development that you can also use separately within WordPress, in the blocks that format your page you can download from the WordPress "marketplace" the free available themes and use them within your own WordPress website. With the Plug-in, WPZOOM brings together the most suitable for Food bloggers into one and they can be used at once through the WordPress Administrator. And so you don't have to go outside here to download and use the patterns. So this is nice for anyone who is looking for a one stop solution and so can be finely used.

The plugin adds an additional functionality within the editor of your pages to access all the patterns. Which you can then edit as regular and fill in to your recipe or data. So this can make your recipes more visually appealing and ensure that your website is better received, more read or otherwise better from it.

Downloading the plugin works like any other WordPress plugin download, just remember to turn on write permissions for this again. It can be looked up in the WordPress library for the plug-ins, or it can be downloaded just manually if desired. The following plug-in can be searched for:

By WPZOOM. The plugin is free to use, with an option to upgrade to a paid version if you want access to some more functionality. Might be a good consideration if you like the plugin, and already have some more monthly visitors. Then the investment could be worth it to you.

Presenting your recipes in a fun way

It is essential to present your recipes in a visually appealing way, if you do not do this you will have little chance in the saturated world of food blogs. After all, it is one of the most popular blog types all over the world. And you will therefore have a large number of competitors for almost every conceivable recipe. It's up to you to make sure that you stand out above them with original photos and imagery, fun design such as by using this plug-in and great content that not only reads nice, but is also suitable for Google.

You will therefore have to get started to make something of your food blog, and like many things in life, the beginning will not be easy. But at we can make it as easy as possible for you. With our Managed WordPress hosting packages, we take away many of the normal worries with WordPress for you. Read on below for all the possibilities with a Managed WordPress hosting package.

Create a food blog with WordPress in the hosting of

You have two options with us for creating a WordPress website, this is either one of the Managed WordPress hosting packages. Or you choose a Total SSD package. The biggest difference is the service behind this. For anyone who wants to run a WordPress website worry-free and just focus on creating content, then a Managed WordPress package is the choice for you. We will take care of the technical work for you, and we will, for example, keep the plug-ins up to date, the theme and the WordPress version itself. We also take care of the backups and optimization, so the only thing left for you to do is put the website together yourself and fill it with content. We take care of the rest.

With a Total SSD hosting package you can easily host your website yourself for a low price. The only difference is that you have to do the technical stuff yourself. Optimization of the website, backups, updates and installation of WordPress are all done by yourself. Fortunately, for almost every conceivable WordPress question we have an article ready for you in our knowledge base. So if you are willing to invest more time and energy in this yourself, then a Total SSD hosting package is the way to go.

So place your order now and get started with your food blog in WordPress!