Multiple websites on one package

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Multiple websites on one package

At it is possible to run multiple websites on a package for personal use. This makes it possible to start more websites next to your regular website or blog without extra hosting costs. How does this work? And what are the advantages of this? Let's cover that in this blog post.

When you are just starting to create a website, you might not envision starting multiple websites yet. Multiple websites for personal side projects or income sources are generally the way to go though. Creating websites yourself, content and getting the website indexed by Google are all things that take a lot of time.

To focus on 1 website can be easy in the beginning. Your head and calendar are full of ideas that you can write about and you are eager to get started. However, you may find that after six months you want to focus on something else. This is easy to start with a hosting package from The only additional costs you would have are the new domain registration costs. What from 2.50 ex VAT is already possible for a .nl domain name for the first year.

Why does ranking a website and seeing the results take so much time?

Creating a website, and especially creating content for a website, takes a lot of time. To give an example of our knowledge base, this now consists of over 200 articles. These articles all need to be updated on a periodic basis due to changes in appearance, and steps. This is therefore a constant process that we have been working on for years. This can be divided into 3 categories that need to be taken into account. The first of course is the creation of new articles, new software coming out, or questions we haven't answered before. The second category is to clean up and improve previously created articles, and last is to research new technology and keep track of questions that come in from customers. Those might be added to the knowledge base.

When you apply this to your own website, creating new content is obviously most important in the initial stages. However, an often underestimated item is the optimization of existing content. We recently covered this in a separate blog post. Getting your content indexed by Google and other search engines takes a lot of time. If you take into account that when you publish something you expect to see it on the first page within a few weeks. Then we have bad news for you. This is often not the case, and is rather a process of 3 to 8 months with a new website. This is known as the Google Sandbox. A phenomenon that is not recognized by Google. But by many experts in the field seen as a fact.

Visitor numbers

Real visitor numbers can be tracked with a tool like Google Analytics, with publishing Content and then letting it age. Can you somewhat take into account that the visitor count of your website is slowly but surely going up. However, with Google Analytics you can track multiple websites on a free account or Google Account. Up to 50 websites. So you can effortlessly start a second website without having to grope around in the dark.

So you can also see the number of visitors separately from your websites, or you can see this as a whole. A network of websites can thus bring in more visitors in a month than a single website. Of course, this comes with its own set of eyes and hooks.

Split advertising revenue between websites

Many advertising networks allow you to sign up multiple websites for this. This is also often easier when you already have 1 website signed up and in good standing with that ad network. This way you can easily keep track of the ad revenue per website, and without any further effort see it as a whole. This way you can easily combine the revenues of multiple websites into one. And use this to your advantage.

Affiliate income from multiple websites

Affiliation networks also have the option (often) of using multiple websites to promote. This allows you to see in a combined report where the income comes from. And so you can put more effort into the low performing websites. Or put more effort into the best performing ones to make them even more successful.

All this is easy to set up in the various networks, and again, once you are accepted for a website. It is often easier to sign up for multiple websites.

Conclusion for multiple websites

It may appear that having multiple websites will only benefit you more, however, this is not entirely correct. Once you have a lot of websites on your own with WordPress, for example, you will have a lot of work to do. The websites need to be kept up to date, plugins need to be updated and a lot of content needs to be written for each website. Writing content is not something we can help you with directly. But we can help you with maintenance, take a look at our Managed WordPress hosting packages for optimizing your WordPress hosting. And giving you the chance to focus on making your websites successful.

If you're on your own and you want to start hosting multiple websites on one package, so keep in mind that this can also be a lot more work for you. And you may also be able to abandon websites at some point. It will always be a balance how much time you can spend on 1 or more websites.