Investing in your website

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Investing in your website

A website is not a static phenomenon, information on it does need to be changed from time to time. And if you want to get the most out of a website, new content will also need to be added on a regular schedule. You may then be asked what is best to invest in with an existing website. Let's pick this up in this blog post to look at what investments are the most profitable.

Websites are one of the most important ways for many businesses to retain existing customers and attract new ones. So a solid website can ensure that you can get better results overall. How? We explain that further with the following pillars for a strong website and online presence.

The foundation of every website, hosting

Hosting forms the first building blocks and foundation of your website, without a good stable hosting party your website and therefore your visitors will suffer. With a hosting package from you have the right foundation to get the best out of it. With our SSD hosting packages you have the start for a lightning fast website. And you can also choose Managed WordPress hosting packages, where we take care of the technical issues of the Content Manegent System WordPress for you. Or with .NET Core packages you have everything for your next Umbraco, NopCommerce or proprietary project. Want help choosing a package? Then just contact us via chat or ticket system. We will be happy to help you make the right choice.

First pillar, design and user experience

To move forward with a website, the first pillar of online success is the design and user experience. Which are also connected hand in hand. With a clear and beautiful design, you can capture visitors much better and ensure that your service, product or article is the winner. Whether you are offering your photography skills, your software tool or want to promote a blog. Of course, a website depends entirely on you what is most important here.

The design of a website can be invested in by yourself, for example by creating a new theme or layout. Or this can be outsourced. You can also simply choose another theme; a better theme or design is relatively easy to change to with most websites.

Investing in your website

So the user experience of a website depends in part on the design. However, what is also becoming an increasingly important factor is the speed of your website. So make investments for this, for example, to get a faster website. You can do this by switching to SSD hosting, optimizing images and checking with the technical browser tools where any bottlenecks occur. We also have a standard service for this with site doctor Lex. We can then check the website for you and optimize it further for a small extra charge.

Second pillar, Content and getting this in front of more people

Content or the content of a website, both text and visuals, can make visitors' questions answered and their user experience go up as a result. With the right content and imagery in the right place, you can notice improvement in every area. From your conversion rate to the number of visitors who stay longer on the pages.

With the right content you can also increase your chances of naturally ranking higher in search engines like Google, as they take this into account. Also, regular content updates is what can satisfy not only search engines. But also your visitors of course. To get this content, whether these are landing pages for products or services. Or simply your latest blog posts, one way you can get eyes on it is by promoting it on Social Media: Using ads for this. Or betting more on the natural results on search engines like Google. Often if you want to see direct results you will have to pay for this. You can advertise on social media, search engines and in the display network. Social media is a popular option for many. You can invest directly in this on various platforms.

Investing in your website

Which platform is best for your website to invest in is always the question, here you will have to experiment and gain experience. Perhaps your target audience is largely on Instagram, for example. Or in a niche website for techies. It's up to you to find this target group and serve them ads appropriately.

Third pillar, functionality and more

Functionality is a third pillar where more can be invested on for your website, more functionality can include several things. Whether this is a tool that can make your customers' lives just a little bit easier. Or a big component like a webshop functionality that comes with the website. Often this is an investment of not only time and money, but can also translate to finding new colleagues or more. A webshop often involves a lot more than people may realize. Support needs to be provided, a Chamber of Commerce registration needs to be obtained, products need to be created and maintained and more. Bringing more functionality to a website can also be something as simple as an email newsletter subscription field that you want to have in a widget. However, this too can involve weekly or monthly work.

So always think about who is responsible within your organization for more functionality you want to add in the future. And that you make the necessary preparations for this.

What are the most important points for your organization to invest in? Is it better use of ads, bringing more functionality to your website? Or just driving more traffic to a particular landing page with Google Search? Let us know via Social Media! We'd love to hear from you. is your partner in hosting.