Measuring interaction on your blog

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Measuring interaction on your blog

Measuring interaction on your blog

Measuring visitors on your WordPress blog is important. This way you can make adjustments where needed and get an idea of what's happening on your blog.

With the right tools you can keep track of which post is doing better than the other and adjust your content accordingly.

Time spent on your page

With a blog website, it is of course important to know whether your posts are actually being read. You can therefore track the time visitors spend on your blog post page. You can do this with a statistics tool like Piwik, Google Analyatics or our Smarterstats available in the control panel. Here you will see a bounce rate and the exact time people stay on your page.

Comments on your blog posts

Under your blogs you have the option to allow comments, if you have an exclusionary blog site it is wise to turn this on. That way your audience can comment or talk to each other about your blog post. This brings interaction to your web hosting which will benefit your final results. Of course, watch out for spammers and always try to remove this as soon as possible. There are also several WordPress plugins that put another layer of security and control over this.

Social Media

In addition to the comments on your blog articles, it is also useful to involve social media. You can easily add the share and like buttons that make visitors share your blog article on their social network. If a few visitors do this then you will soon have a thousand impressions. In other words, people who see your article pass by in their feed.

Keep track of this on Facebook, Twitter and all other social media sites. And see, for example, monthly if there is improvement.

Links and optimization

When you see that little is happening on your blog, there are a number of things you can do to improve your content. First look at your texts, are they interesting and are they actually read? If not then look at other articles or follow a course for this. There are many tips and tricks on the internet to improve your quality.

Links to your blog are also important, you can do this through social media and your circle of existing contacts. It is also nice if another popular site links to you. Think of Reddit or other popular forums and platforms. This is just of course not to be forced. If you manage to write a "viral" article then you often see a huge spike in your traffic.

Images and load time of your blog is also very important. Make sure images are not too big and that you use caching to keep this as small as possible. When you are looking for a package at webhost it is wise to go for an SSD package so you are on the latest fast drives with your hosting. Also, try to keep the number of plugins and themes to the minimum. This way there are fewer resources that need to be loaded.

We hope this helps you and that you can make a jump with these steps. Do you have any tips? Let us know via