How to get your conversion rate up

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How to get your conversion rate up

How do you get your conversion rate up?

In this blog post, we're going to cover how to actually keep the well-deserved click towards your website. A visitor who performs a desired action on your hosting will generate a conversion. It is of course your goal to get your conversion as high as possible. But which tips can you use on your web hosting? Here are a few tips to help you with your conversion.

Use catchy titles

Various tests have shown that visitors often only read the headlines above the text and only a small percentage actually reads the text. It is therefore important to ensure that your headlines are as catchy as possible and convey the information in a concise manner.

Movies on your website

A photo can tell at a glance what a whole text is about. A video takes this a step further by creating a fun interaction with your visitor. We recommend using embedded YouTube videos. This ensures that the videos are loaded as quickly as possible and the loading time of your website is not adversely affected. An introduction video for a product or service should be short (less than 2 minutes) because the attention span is generally short.

Interact with customers and their experiences

The interactions you make with customers that went well and the success stories are important to keep track of. This is because you can post them on your website hosting with the customer's permission. There are several review companies that can help you with this. We use Kiyoh to collect and use this on our website. This is a nice way to do this as it is automatically updated.

If you have a number of well-known names as customers who are satisfied, you can mention this on your website as a reference. The better known the name, the better. Logically you should not lie about this.

Communication with the visitor

If you start a blog on your website then it is an idea to make sure that comments are allowed by visitors. This provides feedback and also means that other visitors like to read it too.

If you have a business website or want a more direct line to your customers then LiveChat as has as webhost is a good alternative to a telephone helpdesk. It has been shown that the small informal questions about a product or service are asked more quickly than if you had to call or email first. The threshold is very low and requires minimal effort from the customer's side.

Order or action process

The final conversion and ordering process should run as smoothly as possible. A long, unclear or difficult process is not desirable here. This causes irritation and lost conversions. Have this tested by several people and ask for feedback. Then you can set it up so that it is understandable for everyone. Also, use clear Call to Actions here. Such as “Subscribe here!

And finally, it is important to test your different ways, change a few things and look at your results within the statistics. Then you will know what works and what doesn’t work for your target group and hosting!