How to create a webshop

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How to create a webshop

There are many different ways to start a webshop. In this blog post we will discuss some of the options that are available at And how you can quickly start creating your webshop!

An online store can be an extension of your existing business or trade, whether you sell products you make yourself or resell them. With an online store, you can offer your products directly to a customer. It puts you in control. And it allows you to target many markets directly. However, creating a web store can sometimes be a challenge. Let's take a look at how you can start doing this in the easiest way with hosting from

Content management systems that make it easy for you to start a web shop, there are a number of options. You can use certain paid options, and you can use your own hosted webshop. Both have their advantages, and it also depends on how much control you want. Do you want to have complete control over your project with an open source CMS? Then you also need to invest extra time and attention in resolving potential issues/conflicts with plug-ins. Make sure you have backups and updates to keep your web store secure. And process customer data in a secure and reliable way. With a paid webshop, you can already have all the data you need for a small fixed amount without having to do any extra work. Only a registration with the chamber of commerce is required in almost all cases.

Open source content management systems

There are a number of content management systems that are suitable for running a webshop. With a web store built on an open source CMS, you can go to almost any hoster and therefore have more freedom in the choices you make. Open source also means that everyone has access to the code, so you have to deal with security vulnerabilities, urgent updates, and more risks in that area. Of course, this doesn't mean that a closed source system is watertight. However, with an open source system, this is more common.

Some popular options for creating an online store include PrestaShop, NopCommerce, WooCommerce, and OpenCart. WooCommerce is an extension of the most popular website CMS, WordPress. And NopCommerce is the only one in this list that uses a different code language for its foundation. Namely, .NET instead of PHP. NopCommerce is therefore best hosted at in one of our .NET packages. The rest of the open source CMS can still be hosted on a Total SSD package of your choice. Only in the case of a WooCommerce website, we have the option to host it via a Managed WordPress package, where we do the technical work for you. This includes backups and optimizing the WordPress website for speed. We can ensure that your WooCommerce website is up and running as quickly as possible and accessible worldwide.

Open source content management systems are usually easy to install and configure, this of course varies from CMS to CMS. That's why we at have written many articles to make this easier by providing documentation.

A webshop at

If you are looking for a paid webshop, you can turn to our subsidiary Here we have all the tools you need to create a webshop, and much is already prepared for you to make it as easy as possible. Like a standard link with a payment system for all payment methods, an SSL certificate and much more. This makes it a solution you can use to sell your products right away. It's also easy to expand as your business grows. For the first time, you can use a cheaper option to have more budget for your advertising campaigns, for example.

With a webshop package, you can get started with your webshop quickly and inexpensively. Buy a package now and start selling your products immediately!