How much revenue are you losing because of adblockers

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How much revenue are you losing because of adblockers

With a website, you can bring in revenue in several ways, through affilaite offerings you promote, donations, product sales or displaying ads. However, with the rise of adblockers, you can lose revenue. What is the percentage? And what does this mean for your website? Let's cover this in this blog post.

With any website, you may have a different revenue model, or a combination of multiple sources. However, the majority of websites are not hosted just to be online with no revenue model. Hosting has to be paid for, although this is very competitively priced at, the domain name comes back with its annual cost, and it takes time and effort to set up a website. For most webmasters, therefore, it is interesting to look at ways of getting income from a website. Ads have been an important part of this for quite some time, and will still be an important form of income from a website in 2021.

However, with the rise of more and more users using an adblocker, you will be missing out on revenue. According to figures, 25.8 percent of all users had an adblocker active in the United States in 2019. This means that roughly a quarter of all visitors to your website are blocking ads. You can also see this yourself on your website by taking your total number of visitors or page views with Google Analytics and then comparing this data with your ad network. With Google AdSense you can see how many ads were shown to the visitors. And you can do the same with the other ad networks.

Why do people use adblockers?

People use adblockers for different reasons, you will probably use it yourself. However, often people do so to ensure that the content they want to read on your website is easier to read. Take the following example of a website I looked up for a recipe for mac and cheese for tonight. And notice what ads this website serves up between, above and below the information that matters to a visitor.

How much revenue are you losing because of adblockers

Of course, we don't want to point fingers, so we did our best to remove all identifying information from the screenshot above.

However, it does let you get an idea of how ads can take away from the information people are looking for. For this reason, most people use an adblocker to make sure websites look a little cleaner.

What does this say to you as a webmaster? That ads shouldn't take too much away from the user experience. It is tempting to fill a website with advertisements as soon as you are able to generate income from them. However, this success is often short-lived, and you also scare a lot of people away. It has even come to the point that Google takes this into account for the ranking of websites in the search engine. As soon as the bounce rate of a website shoots up due to the use of abundant ads, this will also result in a lower position in Google.

What can you do about it to cope with this?

So determine a healthy balance for ads on your website, and always try to have relevant ads shown on your website. Not always possible, but the larger ad networks already ensure that a visitor will also see relevant ads. Static ads are also a good option if your website is interesting for advertisers. With a static ad in the sidebar of a website for example. You can have complete control over it. And thus advertise for a web shop, company or organization that you find interesting as well. With the Brave Browser, users can set up website rewards in the form of cryptocurrency. This is also a way to pick this up and keep it enjoyable for both parties.

To give an example, suppose you have a website that focuses on sports and tips with this. Then you can choose to put an ad from the Decathlon there. This can be not only an ad but also, for example, an affiliate product that connects to your website.

You can also slowly but surely branch out into other ways to generate income from your website. It is often a good idea to spread your opportunities and not depend on one pillar. Like showing ads.

We hope this article has given you some food for thought. And if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us.