How much are 50 000 page views worth in Google AdSense

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How much are 50 000 page views worth in Google AdSense

Making money with a website is of course the reason for many to start doing this in the first place. Informative, creative or entertaining websites do this by offering ads from Google AdSense. This is because Google AdSense is an ad provider with a low threshold due to no minimum traffic requirement. And at the same time easy to use, and from Google. So this is popular to use if you already use other Google services.

There then quickly follows the question from startups of how much money can be made from your website? That's always a cryptic answer that follows. But in this situation, we have a concrete example from a client who was kind enough to share this with us! With 50 000 page views, .... earned! Of course, read the entire article to find out how many euros this was worth.

Page views on a website

Page views are one of the most important metrics of a website, there are monthly goals for this and it will be reflected in every report. Page views that are unique and from certain countries and circumstances can be worth more than page views from other situations. This is often due to a myriad of factors. But mainly what the website is made for. Is it in Dutch for a Dutch audience? Then this is the most consistent and therefore often worth more. This is calculated with many different factors and with Google AdSense's personal ads, this can also vary per ad, whether a click resulted or not, how long an ad was visible, which device this was, and much more.

However, page views is a black or white statistic, which is why this is easy for you to track and a tangible statistic. 50,000 page views may sound like a lot. But in the website world and Internet marketing, it is a drop in the bucket. Still, it can be a good sign for your website once you achieve this of course. And once you can reproduce this on a shorter frequency you can get more certainty from your website revenue. A noble goal for any webmaster.

Page and website RPM

RPM stands for Revenu per Mille, or how much is earned per thousand visitors. This figure varies by website, by time of year and even time of day, by country, and so a host of other types of factors. The RPM, however, gives you a good idea of how much money is coming in with a number of visitors or page views. A higher RPM is of course the goal of many webmasters, the more you earn per 1,000 visitors the better of course.

There are some niches or industries of websites that are known for higher RPMs, the medical field and certain IT industries pay gold money to have their ads seen by a connected audience. However, the Gaming industry is known to offer relatively lower RPMs. Commissions and affiliate revenue from this audience is also often a lot lower than other industries.

This website from the example is in the IT niche, and thus uses Google AdSense to generate revenue from this. The 50,000 page views were collected in unspecified time frames, longer than a month however. So this is always a rough estimate, and again should be taken with a grain of salt. It is just an example of how a website can earn and what figures you can see at all for so many visitors.

Total earned with 50 000 views on a Dutch website

A total of €441.27 was earned from 50,000 page views collected, so with just AdSense there is income to be generated from a website. However, this can be disappointing if you have little traffic in the month. So once you get into the 100,000 page views per month and above you get more into the numbers where you can actually get something out of it. Of course, also remember that your website can't only get revenue from ads. It can also use affiliate marketing and sponsored posts.

Google AdSense is also not the only vendor or organization that can serve the ads, many larger websites are switching to certain ad vendors such as Mediavine, Adthrive and others. In fact, these parties still often use the Google Ad Exchange, but apply their own tactics and algorithms to this to optimize it. And so ultimately for your revenue may mean it goes up. However, these parties often have some conditions on the traffic itself, and how much it is per month. Where they can also reject websites that don't match their guidelines.

So our client who owns this website can't retire right away yet, but he can easily get his cost of the SSD hosting package and domain name out of this. So also start your website and start collecting your page views. And take advantage of the many tips and tricks we share in our blog posts and knowledge base for increasing your website traffic!