Optimize Google My Business listing

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Optimize Google My Business listing

Optimize Google My Business listingGoogle My Business is a powerful way to promote a local business listing, it allows people searching for a business locally to find your business quickly and take action. However, it is important that you supplement your Google My Business listing with these tips for the best results!

It is often a task to advertise your business locally, you can do this with flyers, local TV or radio ads or through the newspaper. However, with the modern way of buying or taking a service an increasing amount of it happens exclusively through the Internet. And also through the cell phone. A plumber is searched for using the term {city name} plumber, and this works the same way with other local services and stores. It is then important, in addition to having a website, to place yourself prominently on the most widely used search engine in the world. And that's Google.

These tips for Google My Business will help you get the most out of it.

What is Google My Business?

Google My Business can be seen as the new phone book and acts as a direct way to add a listing in addition to the paid and organic search results. Google My Business can also be used to collect reviews, share information such as contact options, directions and much more.

So this can give you the chance to expand in the local results or specific searches for your business or website. And thus better serve customers and reach a larger audience than just with a single listing.

You also get an insight into what people find you on. And how many people are requesting directions or trying to initiate a phone call, for example. Let's cover further how to create and further optimize the Google My Business listing.

How to create the basic Google My Business listing?

To get started with a Google My Business listing you need to register your business, you can do this at the following link:


After this you follow the steps to create the company listing, and verify the website that you have running on hosting at MijnHostingPartner.nl. This way you can show not only the basic listing but also direct buttons to contact and go directly to the website.

Making a Google My Business listing is free of charge. You only have to pay if you want to use some more features. Like advertising your website through Google AdSense. Or creating an email address and website. This is of course not applicable if you already have your website and email hosted via our webhosting.

Making posts and more additions to your Google My Business listing

With a Google My Business listing you can apply a lot of things to get the most out of it. Concretely this means that you can add the following things for the best results.


Posts can be seen as short blog posts where you can share the latest news about your website, and then also link to a full blog post. Or to the relevant service or page. After publishing these posts they will appear directly in the Google search results with your Google My Company listing. You can also see afterwards how many people have seen the Google My Business post and whether they clicked on it / took action. This way you can share more information and keep in touch with your target audience.

Provide all the correct information

With Google My Business it is important that you provide the correct information about your company. Make sure you have the correct information such as contact information and opening hours of your business. This way customers can easily reach your company and they will not find a closed door. Something that can cause a lot of frustration. Which of course you want to avoid.

Attract attention with your products or services

To draw attention to your products or services there are posts to make where you can share some more information about them. But there are also examples of products to add that can be viewed directly with the Google My Business listing. With this you can draw more attention to those particular products or services. And thus hopefully generate more sales directly from the Google My Business listing.

Adding photos

Photos can also be shared just like the latest posts and mentions, photos can be as simple as a photo of a product. Or just like social media channels they can be a bit more informal. That's further up to your needs.

Sharing status updates, similar to Social Media

Quick status updates can also be shared, for example by mentioning when you are undergoing a renovation. Or quickly share a fun new update. Just like you can do on Social Media. This is a new interactive way to do this.

Measuring and optimizing

Of course it is also important to keep track of your Google My Business listing and to know what works and what doesn't. The basic statistics can be seen quickly in the website. The basic statistics you will see quickly in the monthly email that you receive. Here you can see how many people see your listing and on which searches. This is then in Google Search Console even further to see and compare. And with Google Analytics, the individual session can be looked at even more closely.

So you can combine the services of Google with each other, and with the tools you can get the best out of not only your Google Company listing. But also the results of the entire website. If you have any questions you can always come to the chat.