Fresh content on a website

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Fresh content on a website

A website needs to be updated regularly to stay relevant in the eyes of your visitors and search engines. Fresh content in the form of new articles, pages or content. Combined with updating previously written content can ensure that your website's usability increases and users stay on your website longer. And, of course, take a desired action, such as making a purchase. Let's see what can be done on your website to deliver new content on a regular basis.

Websites are nothing without their content. With website hosting, you have the opportunity to publish a lot of content to attract an audience. Also, content needs to be refreshed and updated regularly. Websites with less content also have less authority on a particular topic. John Mueller of Google recently pointed out that websites with less than 30 pages have little chance of being listed in the search engine for a topic on which there is competition. So content is a requirement for any website.

Content in the form of blog posts

Content in the form of blog posts is a staple in many businesses and organizations. Nice information or useful tips. With this often shorter format, you are asking readers to read on, click on a link, or take some other desired action. Blog posts can also be used to target specific longer form keywords. For example, to rank for other specific topics in addition to your main focus. This, of course, is about ranking in the search engines. It is easier to rank for"skate grinding in Utrecht" than for"buy skates". Just to name a crossroad.

Content in the form of articles

Articles can be understood in many ways, but articles are often a reference to a news or content website. A website whose sole purpose is to disseminate the latest information or news. Think of news websites about the latest games, sports, or hobbies. But also the big parties like and others. Such websites no longer fulfil their function as soon as they stop publishing new content.

Content in the form of new pages

New pages are a form of content that not every website has every day, of course every blog post and article can be considered a new page. But often, it's secondary. Primary pages are the home page, the contact page, and the fixed landing pages that visitors consider. In most cases, the home page is changed only a few times during the life of the site. Often there are other pages that are updated on a regular basis. This tends to be the case when working with a web store, for example. These change more frequently from pages or landing pages for special promotions or products.

External content and updates

Content that is not placed directly on the website can be considered external content, such as posts on social media like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or a forum. Or external guest blogs or comments. External content is often seen as a sign of a website's authority in a particular field. For example, if you get a lot of links from a tech forum while creating a manual for software. This is seen as positive by Google and can move you higher up in Google.

If your skating web store is frequently mentioned on gambling websites, this can be seen as a negative signal. Relevance is an important point here, where you used to be able to order a link package for a few euros, this is no longer interesting. The negative effects can be felt for a long time. Because this is punished by Google, because a website is artificially pumped up in the search results. This is not intended and may work in the short term, but is often the wrong choice in the long term.