Using Drupal for your website

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Using Drupal for your website

Drupal, in addition to WordPress, is a Content Management System made in the code language PHP. Drupal is a robust platform which is used by individuals, small and large organizations and companies. Let's explain in this blog post what is different about Drupal. And how you can use it for your website.

Drupal is a CMS that has been around for a long time, with its open source developer community it is free to use by anyone. For both companies and individuals. Some websites made with Drupal are fast, user friendly and packed with functionality. With a Drupal website, you join the ranks of big names online, from schools, government agencies and large corporations. Let's list all the benefits for hosting your Drupal website in the hosting of

Easily installed

Drupal, like many other Content Management Systems, is installed within a few steps at This is easily done via the Web App Gallery in the control panel. With a few details and then press install, you have this all ready for you. The website in Drupal can then quickly be set up and created. The Drupal website can also be installed in the regular way with FTP. When you want more control.

Drupal 9 is the latest version of Drupal and we recommend it for use within our hosting. Drupal also benefits greatly from hosting on an SSD hosting package. In which the media and website files are available faster for the end user. A faster website has a lot of advantages, in addition to the fine use for visitors also results in better conversion, and a higher position in search engines like Google, Bing and DuckDuckGo.

Combine Drupal with our Total SSD packages for the best results!

Capabilities of Drupal

Drupal is thus used for corporate websites, websites for organizations and portfolios. With its many modules, it can be customized to the Drupal website you want. And is thus a versatile option for anyone who is looking at a one stop shop.

Drupal can be used with the latest SSD packages, and with this you have the latest PHP versions for the most stable results. This ensures that you always have the latest functionality.

Within Drupal you can easily expand with modules and change the theme manually or use the themes that are available. Content always comes first and can be easily written in the included editor. Drupal automatically takes into account search engine suitability and meta tags and site titles are easily set. So that you can be found on the keywords you target.

Where Drupal has a big advantage is that it is also easier for developers to adapt. And entire systems such as a booking system or reservation system can easily be integrated. Also marketing staff have many opportunities with Drupal. To get the most out of a Content Campaign.

Open source for everyone

Because Drupal is open source and free to use for everyone, the source code can be viewed by anyone. With a special branch that is solely concerned with security you are always guaranteed that security updates will be released on time. And there is always extensive testing before an update is rolled out. A large volunteer team of developers ensures that the latest wishes and functionality are realized in Drupal hosting.

Drupal 9 is also easy to update from Drupal 8 websites. With an easier update process since 10 years of Drupal. With a single action, you can update Drupal websites to Drupal 9. Without losing any content and settings. So this also makes it exceptionally suitable for websites that are moved from Drupal 8 to 9 in the hosting of

MySQL and MariaDB databases included

With a Drupal website you also need a place where all your data can be safely stored. This is a MySQL database on a Drupal website. With an SSD package you can create as many MySQL databases as you need and use them through the online management tool PHPMyAdmin or through a local tool.

The connection is easily made within Drupal to the MySQL host. To have this always configured in the config files. Also, in the SSD packages you can recently use MariaDB. This is an offshoot of the original developers of MySQL and is seen as the true open source solution. With faster results and better reliability. So there are a lot of possibilities with Drupal hosting at!