Discover your most popular page and tag

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Discover your most popular page and tag

Determining the most popular page and day on your website can help you figure out what's working and what's not about your articles and your internet marketing performance. In this article, we'll show you how to determine your most popular day of the week and your most popular page. Let's get started.

A website can have a most popular day of the week for many different reasons. With a website, there are many ways to drive traffic to a website. By far the most desirable is from the Google search network. Here you don't have to actively advertise, and you don't pay per click on an ad. This is, of course, the way to get traffic. However, this is not an easy task. You have to put in time, effort and knowledge to get traffic. can help you achieve this.

How do you discover this?

Discovering the most popular page and the most popular day can be done with a statistics tool for your website. Some popular tools are Google Analytics, Microsoft Clarity and to some extent Google Search Console. Using one of these tools, or a combination, you can ensure that you do this for yourself in a simple and clear way. In Google Analytics, for example, you can see the last seven days right in your dashboard. Here you can see the number of visitors, pages, bounce rate and so on. The same is true in Microsoft Clarity, but here you see the last three days by default.

So select a date range for which you want to see this, by default the last seven days or the last week. However, you can also select a month. If your website hosting has been around for a while, you can also compare it to past months or years. Look at the most popular pages with the page view report. And the most popular day can be seen as the day with the most visitors or the most sales in a web store. Of course, it's up to you what the most popular day means to you.

The weekly reports

The weekly reports can be compared to previous reports to determine which day gets the most visitors to your website. I have two websites, a blog in the informative niche and a blog that is meant to inform but also entertain. The blog in the informative niche always has the most visitors on Thursdays. And the more "fun" one sees its peak on weekends on Sundays. Once you've established this, you can also conclude that your site has a better chance of generating conversions on that day. More visitors means more chances of conversions. You can take advantage of this by offering an extra incentive on that day, for example, or by promoting more of a landing page.

The most popular page, why is that?

A popular page can have many different reasons why it gets so many hits. Once you are actively trying to rank on the various search engines like Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo, you have a better chance of ranking as long as you publish relevant content. And that it meets the search intent on your website.

If your most popular page is getting traffic from social media especially on a popular day, then you know this strategy is working and you can capitalize on it to bring in more traffic. The same goes for traffic from certain ad networks. If traffic is worth x amount of marketing budget to you, then you can capitalize on it. Increase the budget on the days you notice more traction. Of course, this is also about keeping track of how your ad budget relates to your conversions.

Most popular day

The most popular day can be different for each niche and for each website. If you want to find out, you can always run a report within your stats tool. And create a campaign on social media and ads. Once you've determined this, you can use it to make the most popular tag a success again.

We recommend keeping a separate Excel or Google spreadsheet for this, and updating it monthly or annually to see what successes have been achieved over that period. This often has a motivating effect and you can keep working towards it. To also create new articles and pages so that they replace your most popular pages! And thus make your website a bigger success.

What other metrics do you think are important for your website? Let us know on social media!