Common WordPress error messages

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Common WordPress error messages

When you get started with WordPress on your hosting you might run into error messages.An experienced user will probably know how to solve this.
However, if you are a novice user this can be a bit of a shock and you probably won't know why.In this blog post, we're going to go over some common error messages in WordPress.

Error establishing a database connection

One of the most common error messages in WordPress is the message that the database cannot be connected to.Often this message comes up as "Error establishing a database connection" and then you are probably wondering where to start.
This message can have several causes and therefore it is important to first find out where exactly the error is.For this, you need to turn on debugging in WordPress itself and you can do this in the following way: Turn on WordPress error messages.
This will reveal exactly what is wrong with the database connection.If you see "A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond." you should check the database server.
Chances are that you have not selected the right database server.You can find out the correct server in the control panel under the heading MySQL5.x and then click on your database.
Also, it can't hurt to check your database user.If you can log into PHPMyAdmin with this data, you know that the data is correct.
If not then you need to adjust it in the control panel and change it in your wp-config file.

a white screen

You may have experienced a white screen on your WordPress hosting, which can be very confusing.You do not get an error message, but just a blank screen.
If you turn on the error messages in your wp-config file, you will however get a message about this.It can also happen that this error message appears as a 500 error.
Often the cause of this is the PHP version that is outdated, fortunately you can easily change this.You need to log into the control panel and then go to the heading websites.
Click on the domain with the 500 error and go to extensions.Here you can change the PHP version to your liking, it is recommended to select the latest version.
If the PHP version is indeed the cause, you will fortunately get an error message on new WordPress versions.You will get the following message: "your server is running PHP version 5.6 but WordPress 5.4.1 requires at least 5.6.20".

A 404 error on every page

It could be that you finally got your WordPress websites running but you get a 404 error on every sub page.This is pretty frustrating because most of the time you can't find out exactly where the error is.
First you need to check your permalinks in your WordPress admin environment.Sometimes it can happen that if you change the permalinks and then put them back the same way it works again.If this is not the case you can apply a url rewrite.
You should apply the url rewrite in your own web.config file in the following way: WordPress URL Rewrite.Often you will see that when you have applied this that the underlying pages are accessible again.

Another update is already in progress

It is possible that when you are running an older WordPress site and you want to update it you will get an error message.The error message will then say that an update is already in progress while you are not updating at all.
Fortunately there is a way to solve this easily by updating everything manually.Before you do this you should make a backup of all your files in case something goes wrong.
After you have made a backup you can download WordPress and save it locally in a folder where you can easily access it.Next you connect via Filezilla

and overwrite the current installation.You can use the option 'Overwrite source if newer' for this.After this your current WordPress installation will be overwritten with the newer version and you can use it again.You can also check the WordPress version in the admin area, you will see that there is no more update for this version.

installation failed, could not create directory

It is possible that you receive an error message when installing a plug-in, saying that the folder could not be created.This will be because your write permissions are not correct, you can change this in the control panel.
You can change this in the file manager and click on the lock icon in the control panel next to the wwwroot folder.You can then change the rights and set the write permissions.After this you can install the plug-in.
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