
Tips for keeping good contact with your customers

Tips for keeping good contact with your customers Every company naturally has a different way of approaching their customers some more personal than others. It has been proven that customers are more likely to be satisfied if they are approached personally. For the customer itself this is more pleasant because they do not get the impression that they are a number but are simply treated as a person. This will make them more inclined to purchase a product from your company. This has many advantages

Tips for your web design

When you are new to the world of websites and hosting it may well be that you have yet to create your website. The design is of course very important if you don't have a beautiful website people are more likely to look elsewhere for an alternative. It is therefore important that your website looks nice but also that it is not too busy. A good design is therefore very important for your website otherwise you will lose visitors but what is a good design? In this blog post we will go through a number

Database tips

Most websites nowadays use a database if you use a CMS this will be set up automatically. However it is also possible that you create your own website completely by yourself in which case you also have to set up your database yourself. This can be quite a challenge when you do this for the first time. Therefore in this blog post we are going to give you some tips on how to maintain a database on your hosting. Maintenance Just like your website you also need to maintain your own database. You do

Web design tips

When you have your own website you want it to be beautiful and fast. Your website should be attractive not only for yourself but also for visitors. If you don't have a beautiful or fast website visitors will look for an alternative. The average visitor stays less than 3 seconds on a page. In this blog post we will discuss some issues related to web design on your hosting. Navigation Your own website should not only look nice it should also be easy to navigate. There are several ways to make this

Tips for Umbraco hosting

Umbraco is the best Content management system for ASP.NET applications it is both easy for personal and business use. Of course you want your Umbraco hosting to run as smoothly as possible. Because this is an easy CMS to use we will give some tips for Umbraco in this blog post. Use the latest version As with any other CMS it is important that you always use the latest version. The newest versions are generally a lot safer and faster than older versions. This is also the case for Umbraco the latest

Useful WordPress plugins

WordPress is the most widely used content management system and therefore offers many plug-ins. This gives you a lot of choice to improve and expand your website with plug-ins. Because there are so many plug-ins available on your hostingit is useful to know where to start. In these blog posts we will discuss a few plug-ins that are useful for improving your website. Yoast SEO When your website is online you want it to be easily found by search engines. For this you should use the plug-in Yoast

The difference between .NET Core and a .NET Framework

If you want to use ASP hosting you may have already considered some options. You can of course use a CMS but also a framework or just a .NET Core application. We are going to cover in this blog post what exactly is the difference .NET Core and a .NET framework. .NET Core .NET Core is a free open-source web framework developed by Microsoft. The first version of .NET Core was released in 2016 in an update to Visual Studio 2015 and is faster than ASP.NET. A year later .NET Core 2.0 was released this

Hosting your own website

Most people nowadays have their own domain with their own hosting. It is becoming more and more common to have your own website. It is also handy to have when you have your own business because it makes it easier to be found. This may sound very complicated but fortunately it is a lot easier nowadays thanks to systems such as WordPress. In this blog post we will discuss how you can put your website live at MijnHostingPartner. How do I create my website? To start with you need your own website you

Putting your own business online

Anno 2019 your own website is almost impossible to imagine especially if you have your own business. If you don't have any hosting yet it might be time to start. Almost every company nowadays has its own website or even a web store. In this blog post we are going to give some tips on how you can bring your own business online with MijnHostingPartner. Choose the right CMS If you are planning to create your own website then it is also important that you know which Content Management System you want