
Track tasks for your website

Creating and maintaining a website can be a lot of work in most cases. There are a number of ways to keep this in order for yourself. In this article we share some tips for keeping track of updates and the further tasks that come with a website.With a website there is always more work involved than when you might expect because in most cases a website is not a static object. It grows along with your business or wishes for the website. This is a process that often does not happen in one day. And

Local SEO tips for your website

Local search results can help you attract customers who are searching within Google Maps and performing other local searches. Local search results are often part of campaigns but can get lost when not enough attention is paid to them. In this article we will give you the tips you can use to get the most out of local search results!There are a lot of different things that can make you perform better in local search results. This always requires just like any other work for Search Engine Optimization

Identifying problems with fewer visitors to a website

A website stands or falls with the amount of visitors it receives. In order to determine where this is caused by there are a number of things to check and to pick up. In this article let's take a look at what can be done to increase this.Visitors on a website make you more likely to get conversions the more visitors the more sales or desired actions on a website. Of course it's not a 1 plus 1 sum that you can make however it does come down to this: more visitors on a websiteweb hosting will ensure

Create your own logo for a website

To create a logo for a website you have a number of options. You can outsource this to a design agency find someone who can make a logo for your website in your acquaintances. Or of course you can do it yourself. Often it is not advisable to do this without any prior knowledge. You'll probably be busy for quite some time and this time in the beginning of a website is much needed for other things. However if you want to know exactly how this works and are eager to learn. Then it might be worthwhile

How your website is visited

The way a website is visited is an important factor in choosing advertising platforms offering your services and content and setting strategies. So analyzing your website's results is important for many different reasons. Let's take a look at how you can do this and what it depends on.Over time most webmasters will want to know where their visitors are coming from whether they are finding what they are looking for and how they are experiencing the site. With some smart tools this can be tracked

Website downtime and your Google ranking

Website downtime is annoying and can cost you not only customers but also search engine rankings like Google. Of course that's the last thing you want as a webmaster. In this article we'll explain the effects downtime can have and how you can best protect your website from it. Let's get started!Once your website's content is online and you're ranking in Google search results you want to attract as many visitors as possible. A high position is never a guarantee and will always be the result of a

Author listing more fun in WordPress

Within WordPress the writing and publishing of Blog posts is still central. After all what WordPress started with was making it more accessible for anyone to start a blog. Today blog posts are used by businesses to share the latest news attract new customers and inform existing customers. To add a little more personality to a blog post is to expand the author credit. You can do this in the following place and can also use it to get higher in the search engine results! Let's start by expanding your

What is evergreen content?

If you've been working on your website for a while you may have come across the term evergreen content. In this blog post we'll explain what evergreen content is and how you can use it for your website to rank long in search engines for important terms in your field. Let's get started.Evergreen content is content on your website that is relevant not just for 1 or 2 months but generally for many years. The content on this page doesn't need to be changed much once it's online. And it can rank in the

Starting a blog or a YouTube channel

More and more people are asking whether it makes more sense to start a YouTube channel or a blog. This can be for your company to get more interaction with customers or this can be for your own passion project. At we host websites of course and in this article we will explain how a combination of a YouTube channel and a blog website can give you the best of both worlds! Let's start.Blogs predate YouTube and will always have a place on the internet however with the rise of many