WordPress security

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WordPress security

WordPress security

If you have a WordPress website you are probably already familiar with the many updates. Many of these are security updates because they want to keep WordPress hosting as secure as possible. But what can you do to make your website extra secure?

Read and write permissions

A simple thing that can be done within seconds is to change the write permissions. You turn these on, for example, when you want to make a change to your website and turn them off again when you are finished. This way you can still make changes and your website will be secure afterwards.

Updating and removal

In WordPress you probably have some plugins installed but do you use them? If you do not use plugins it is actually better to remove them instead of deactivating them. The reason for this is that if you disable plugins they will still be on your website hosting and malicious users can abuse them. This will not only affect your security but also the speed of your website!

Changing your password

If you want your website to be secure, it's certainly not a bad idea to change your password once in a while. Don't just think about your admin area, but also the control panel. Consider, for example, installing WordPress with a user name other than "admin" so that malicious people will have an even harder time hacking your site! In addition, it is not useful to use an easy password such as "adminpass". That way, your passwords will always be as strong as possible and this will make it very difficult to guess your admin password!


You have probably noticed that when you visit a web store, there is a green lock in front of it in your search bar. If you see this, the site you are visiting is safe and your data is secure. Besides giving a secure feeling for visitors of your website, it also has positive effects on your SEO. What an SSL certificate does even more is that it secures the data that is sent on your website so your users can register with a safe feeling. If you have followed all these steps, your WordPress site is a lot safer!