Why an SSL certificate?

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Why an SSL certificate?

Why an SSL certificate?

Everyone is familiar with the well-known green lock in the browser bar when you go to your bank or to MijnHostingPartner.nl. This is a security method that ensures that any data you enter over the Internet can not just be intercepted by other users on the same network. This is why we always advise against using public WIFI when sharing personal data.

An SSL certificate is now coming more and more to the fore because browsers like Firefox and Chrome show a message when your website does not have an SSL certificate. If you look at FireFox there is even a warning below the field when you enter data. This is obviously fatal for the trust that your visitors put in your website. It is therefore important that you have an SSL certificate active on your website as soon as possible. Fortunately, we at MijnHostingPartner.nl have the safest and fastest options. On the following link in the knowledge base you can quickly read what SSL certificate is the best match for your webshop or website hosting.

Besides the security benefits of an SSL certificate, it also has a positive effect on your Google ranking. This ranking takes into account a large list of issues that determine which website is located where. An SSL connection is a part of this. The future vision of browsers like Chrome or Firefox are a secure connection required for all websites.


With a webshop it is no longer a choice whether or not you purchase an SSL certificate. It is mandatory to protect your visitors and their personal data. So if you have webshop plans or already have an existing webshop then you can take this into account. For a webshop it is best to buy an EV certificate. This certificate is accompanied by an extensive validation check and ensures that you just like MijnHostingPartner.nl neatly data in the browser bar.


For your webhosting a SSL certificate is easy to order, you can do this directly through the customer panel or just create a ticket. We will do everything to get your SSL certificate installed as soon as possible.