Watch out for domain name fraud with Tikkie

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Watch out for domain name fraud with Tikkie

Watch out for domain name fraud with Tikkie

Tikkie is familiar to everyone, it is an easy way to pay with your mobile for a refund or a meal. As with all popular payment methods such as PayPal and internet banking, criminals are also capitalizing on this. The more people use them the more chance they have of success with their scams.

Therefore, Kassa conducted an investigation to find out exactly how this works. The excerpt from Tikkie can be viewed at the following link: deals with a number of cases of people who have been duped into transferring 1 cent to check the account number.

Here they use a phishing site or fake website from the bank in question. They make an exact copy of the normal login screen with account number and identification code as usual. They then use that data to install the banking app on their phone and link their account. And then of course transfer money to the account.

Domain name fraud

Using the wrong domains is a concept that is not new to use. As in this case, you end up on a page that is almost exactly copied from the bank. But you then don't have the correct domain name at the top in the URL bar. You just see the green lock as normal since with the advent of free SSL certificates such as Lets Encrypt for example, this has become easy to install on questionable domains.

Kassa then goes out on the street to ask people what they pay attention to when making payments over the Internet. Almost everyone says they pay attention to the green lock in the browser bar. However, the green lock has almost lost its previous value.

Passers-by are also asked to choose from a list of domains, of which 1 is the correct domain name. And the rest thus fake or fraudulent. Not 1 passerby managed to pick out the correct domain name from Tikkie. (

Domain name monitoring service

Banks are already doing as much as possible to be one step ahead of this kind of thing by pre-emptively capturing domains. However, this is a hopeless task since endless variations are possible. This is why the Domain Name Monitoring Service was created to be able to protect your brand. is one of the few companies in the Netherlands that offers this service. The service ensures that all variations of your domain name are validated. Would you like to read more about this? Then take a look at the following page: Domain Name Monitoring Service