Suspect arrested for dozens of phishing attacks

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Suspect arrested for dozens of phishing attacks

You hear more and more lately about victims of phising attacks. Last Tuesday, a suspect was reportedly arrested who had made dozens of victims through phising attacks. You may now be wondering what exactly phising is and how you can protect yourself from it.

What is phising?

The good news is that phising will not affect your hosting. However, it is possible that you will be bothered by phishing mails. Phising is a form of criminality in which criminals send e-mails to your address in order to get hold of your data. This almost always concerns login information from banks or the details of your credit card.
These details are then abused by these criminals by, for example, transferring money to themselves.

These kinds of mails are generally relatively easy to recognize, pay attention to the spelling for example. It is quite common to find sloppy spelling or language errors in these types of e-mails.
You should also pay attention to the subject of the e-mail, because very often they look alike. For example, think of a subject such as "Your account has been blocked" or that the company is implementing a security update and that you should check your details. Often these emails contain links that are suspicious or dangerous.

For example, the links from these types of websites may be misspelled or the website in question does not have an SSL certificate. If you want to check whether the website has an SSL certificate you should look for the green lock icon in the search bar. When this website has a green bar or a lock in front of the domain then the website has a SSL certificate.

What can you do about it?

You do not want to become a victim of a phishing attack. It is therefore important to inform yourself as well as possible about what these mails look like.Fortunately, the spam filter of MijnHostingPartner is adjusted in such a way that you will hardly ever be bothered by these kinds of e-mails.In our knowledge base we have an extensive article: What is phising.

If you have any questions about this topic you can always check if one of the chat operators is available.If no one is available you can always submit a ticket to our helpdesk.