Ransomware and Malware

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Ransomware and Malware

Security and safe surfing on the internet

With the latest NotPetya Ransomware spreading en masse again on Tuesday 27-06-2017, MijnHostingPartner.nl wants to draw attention to security again. This for both your hosting and your local network and PC. It is extremely important that you keep software and your operating system up to date. In addition, you can take many steps to keep your web hosting as secure as possible. Many WordPress and Joomla sites are susceptible to attack if not kept up to date.

How can I secure my hosting?

You can do this by installing updates as soon as possible and making sure you are using the latest stable PHP versions. In addition, you should pay attention to the following issues:

  • The write permissions, for Joomla and WordPress it is important that the write permissions are not turned on for the entire wwwroot. This makes it vulnerable.
  • Make sure that in your hosting you do not use simple passwords, with our Web Application Firewall simple passwords are already caught.
  • Make a periodic backup of your hosting space. This ensures that if something goes wrong you can go back to a previous situation. A scheduled task can also be set up so that this happens automatically.
  • For more tips read our manual.

How do I browse the web safely?

To protect yourself, you should make sure your browser and operating system are up to date. Furthermore, you should not be tempted to disable your antivirus. MijnHostingPartner.nl recommends Emnisoft antivirus to have installed. This is a comprehensive and mainly effective protection.

Also pay attention to what kind of websites you use. The following things should be taken into account:

  • SSL certificate, the familiar green padlock.
  • Check the domain name. Are you sure you are on the right website?
  • If you see a warning from your browser, it's a good sign not to visit the site.
  • Make sure you have a solid backup of your files from your local PC. There are several options for this.

We hope you do not fall victim to this nasty Ransomware and malware on your website. For questions, you can always start an online chat on our site.